Who here plays games on their mobile?

I bought three games earlier...Castlevania, Tomb Raider 2 and some RPG...all £1 in Vodafone Live's special offers. I don't really play mobile games unless I'm REALLY bored with nothing else to do though.
I used to play Snake a lot (I've got a very old phone! lol) but I plan to buy whatever phone will support Final Fantasy: Before Crisis if it ever gets a UK release! :wink: (Fanboy? Me!?)
I usually just play the games that come with the phone, I have the N70, it cam with multiple card games, gold and snowboarding. I did buy Worms for my last phone.

If I see a really good game come out I might invest
There are some really good ones out there. Theres a lot of old school console RPGs out there like Fantasy Warrior Good/Evil (evil is really good). Quest for Fantasy (I think - theres a couple).

Theres also the settlers alike Townsmen.

Theres also the Doom RPG, which rocks totally.

Mostly its the RPGs which can be really good, and I think some strategy games can work. Reaction-games like shooters and puzzlers can suck quickly, the controls are too fiddly for it.
They don't deserve to be games....they are mindless time wasters....only phone game I ever played was Snake...when i was waiting for a bus...

But i guess if your desperate to play something...a phone will have to do *Picks up DS and starts playing*
I've got a Nokia N-gage QD and i hardly ever play games on it and thats what it's bulit for, i only play phone games as a last resort for total bordem.
My SE k750i can actually do some of the cool ones - I had a bit of fun with them when I first got it, but back then the prevailing game quality was poor.

Its improving a lot though. There are thankfully more RPGs coming out, which are the best type IMO.

And currently Sudoku on my phone is very entertaining. GF insists on playing with me ... starts fights though.