Where I Can Find Anime with genre search?


Can someone help me find an anime with theses genres: First of all before I start, I want to say I've Checked Anime News Network and they don't have a genre search or things like that which suits my taste
Genres: Shounen, Comedy, Maybe Militiary, Maybe Adventure, and maybe some school life stuff, or a slice of life.
If anyone has seen good animes that relate to my genres please refer me the name of the site. I've recently seen Full Metal panic and it is now one of my favorite animes.
AniDB (anime database) is a brilliant website.

Search for an anime, say FMP in your case, and it will list all the genre's that the anime conforms to, then you can click each one and a list of other anime in that genre comes up (albeit a ridiculously massive list).
Hmmm!! I’m getting it very well so as to what you want exactly. I am anime fan and I love anime. I recently saw a site on Internet called animemine.com. I would highly recommend you for AnimeMine. It is a largest social network especially for anime fans and artists. AnimeMine has a unique blend of functions that gives great opportunity for anime Otakus(fans) to connect and share their interests, art, and music in the anime world. You can find an array of opportunities to connect with others. It is free and simple to register and participate.
Hope this help you.