What other Anime sites do you visit?


Pokémon Master
Not sure if this kind of topic is alowed here, But what other anime sites do you guys login to daily?

Since im new to anime online i dont really know what sites are available, obviously theres this one which i like. But are there other anime sites for the US and english in general?

With other subjects i know there are sites with members in the thousands! is there anything like that for anime?
Anime News Network is probably one of the biggest and most respected sources of anime news information on the 'net. It has a fantastic database of anime, manga and companies from around the world (although largely focused upon the US market). (As you asked, the ANN forum has over 150,000 registered members :)).

Anime on DVD is a primarily US based site but does feature news and reviews on UK DVDs as well. Amongst its boards is a UK/Australian board where fans from the UK and Australia can discuss things about anime in those territories.

UK Anime Net is a fairly community based site focusing primarily on the UK anime scene.

Eye on Anime is another UK based community and is one of the smaller communities but they do sometimes get a handle on some small snatches of information here and there.
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/ is very good for news, but most of their post are only relevant to America.

You can also visit http://www.animeworldnews.com/
They have quite a few articles most days, but again most aren't relevant to the U.K.

You can also try these U.K. sites

And reviews

Google link to Anime Blogs
Great post, lots of information. I'll take a look at some of those sites and see what i can find.

One that has caught my eye is AnimeNation Easy to navigate site with a good chunk of members, circa 30k.
So i take it there isn't a sticky or something with all these forums etc? Would be a great guide for people like me to get more information. I prefer to go onto a forum and look at other peoples thoughts and opinions, Just to get a wider look than a single review.

Some good links there though.
Most of the ones I use have already been mentioned, but a few more

Wiki great for all sorts of info, but highly dependent on contributers. Sometimes there's too much (like with NGE, sometimes too little.
Anime Suki has the most comprehensive license database i know of.
4chan, not going to link it due shall we say the fact that even Satan would be offended if he looked at it, but a great source of random anime info and pics ( just beware of rule 34)
Other than those not much i can really talk about without snapping some of the guidelines about what we can talk about.