This reminds me of an old conversation I had a few days ago.
[22:17:23] If by "candy: i wish life was more like animal crossing
[22:17:32] Sandy: That would be awesome
[22:18:08] If by "candy: I mean, you could just go about hitting rocks with spades untill a bag of money fell out of onw
[22:18:10] If by "candy: one^
[22:18:16] If by "candy: I'd NEVER have a job xD
[22:18:17] Sandy: XD
[22:20:30] Sandy: Or Zelda
[22:20:39] Sandy: Where you can run around cutting bushes with a sword
[22:20:49] If by "candy: YEAH
[22:20:58] If by "candy: i want to do that

[22:21:10] If by "candy: I want to hit chickens with a sword and the chicken to not die
[22:21:23] Sandy: And then the chicken to call it's hoard of friends.
[22:21:25] Sandy: And then you die.
[22:22:04] If by "candy: best. suicide. ever
[22:23:39] If by "candy: PAH, Simon wishes life were more like dead rising...
[22:23:57] If by "candy: ISnt it ironic that I'd end up with a zombie fanatic for a flatmate?

[22:24:02] Sandy: XD
[22:24:20] Sandy: I wish life was more like Shenmue, because then I'd get daily pocket money.
[22:24:49] If by "candy: I wish life was like Landmaker becuase then I'd be GOD
[22:25:07] If by "candy: and spend my days obsessive-compulaively building perfectly angular cities.
[22:25:14] Sandy: XD
[22:32:20] Sandy: I wish life was more like...
[22:32:23] Sandy: I ran out of ideas.