Weird dream I had


Za Warudo
Thought I'd share just to see if anyone had any comments (copied fro my Livejournal):

Last night I had the most surreal, yet probably also one of the deepest dreams I've ever had. I'm struggling to remember it now but I'll do my best.

I remember it took place in this civilisation, I'm not sure if it was ancient, but the building the majority of it took place in was very like a Greek or Roman chapel or temple of some kind. I think it wasn't old per se, but certainly didn't seem as technologically advanced as today.

Everyone seemed to be furiously working to find proof of God's existence because they had some scriptures of some sort, my memory is a bit fuzzy here, that pointed towards the existence of a God or Gods.

This is where it gets fuzzier because I don't remember how but somehow the Gods were summoned, there were four of them, alien in appearance, all bound to crucifixes, not unlike Lilith in Evangelion, all white, humanoid beings but clearly not of this Earth. They lined the inside of the chapels dome, spread out at 90 degree intervals so if you were to draw a line connecting the four points into the middle it would look like this +.

Anyway, I'm not sure how much time passed, but everyone was in awe for a time, but then someone spoke up against the Gods, it might have been me, I'm not even sure if I was personified in the dream or just an observer. Anyway, the people then began to revolt, throwing stones and sticks at the Gods, ultimately killing them.

The reason for this, though it wasn't articulated I somehow knew it, was that these people didn't want to be governed or ruled by anyone, not even Gods, they felt with such beings controlling them, they were no longer free. That these beings, though Gods, maybe even benign Gods, I certainly saw no evidence to the contrary, were opressing them, merely by preventing them from making a choice of their own.

Their will to fight for their right to make a choice caused them to kill the Gods and that's something that I think is very powerful. I'll have to ponder on this more to see what I really think about the whole thing, but I thought I should write it down before I forget.
This reminds me of an insightful quote from Red Dwarf. Allow me to share it with you.

The Talking Toaster said:
The question is this: Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite... would you like a toasted teacake?
My experience of dream analysis tells me that all dreams seem to be about sex or insecurity. Or possibly both.

That said, that's an awesomely profound dream you had. I used to keep a dream diary/record, but it got a little weird so I freaked out a bit and stopped. I'll have to dig it out for a laugh.
sic vita est said:
My experience of dream analysis tells me that all dreams seem to be about sex or insecurity. Or possibly both.

That said, that's an awesomely profound dream you had. I used to keep a dream diary/record, but it got a little weird so I freaked out a bit and stopped. I'll have to dig it out for a laugh.

That's a pretty easy interpretation for a post-adolescent male =P

Yeah I'd record mine but so many are utterly worthless XP this is about as profound as my dreams go. Once asa child I dreamt that I was being attacked by a giant spider and the Ninja Turtles were sposeda help me but they all ran off.
Part of me would love to post some of the insane, vivid dreams I have on a fairly regular basis (which I usually try to write down and try to make sense of later). However they tend to have at least one scene of a personal nature, and deleting those usually makes the rest of the narrative make even less sense.

They do have a definite thread running through them though; almost every single one takes place in either a very desolate, ruined or futuristic utopian urban environment. Sometimes one becomes the other quite rapidly without me even noticing. The usual explanation for that symbolism seems to be relationships with other people - New buildings signifying strong, solid human relationships and ruins signifying decaying or neglected ones. One certainly seems to become the other fairly easily and regularly in my experience, so it seems a valid interpretation.

What the hell one of my most recent dreams about a dog and a wolf fighting over a rubbish bag full of dead turkeys inside a commuter train was about though, I don't think I'll ever know. That and the one where I was thrown in a prison which seemed like a pub cellar with the biblical King David (who happened to be a dwarf at the time).
Sounds like your subconscious is in doubt over a philosophical issue such as the existence of a infinite being/overseer of your life/the world.

Psychologists believe that in our dreams, our brain comes to terms with things and usually by the morning they dissipate from our minds. Sometimes we can remember them, mostly the last dream before we wake up. but most people have an average of 20 dreams a night.

In the past i've had dreams which made little to no sense, yet later in life i'd get hit by a wave of de ja vu and only after thinking about it, i remember that i've seen it in a dream before.
It happened to me again at the weekend when i saw a scene in a film (which is strange) because i remember having the dream about 9-10 months ago.

I've had some weird ones where i'm omnipresent to situations that later in life came to pass. But usually when i have a wave of de ja vu, i do anything possible to change the situation, as in my dreams, near death follows the events that i have de ja vu about. But yeah, some of them are just things that i thought could never happen, that really freak me out when it does happen IRL.

Insecure you might say, but i've had near death experiences before and whilst awake, i have no problem/fear regarding death.

Mostly i have dreams where im in a unknown place, but with loved ones. normal but random things happen, no threat of fear at all.
I never witness odd or profound dreams. My dreams are usually hypothetical situations should I make a certain decision (or not) since I worry a lot. I had a fair few dreams about my big brother a few years ago because I was worried about him being angry at me and my mother and not talking to us for months. We've been on good terms for a while now. I've had other dreams related to my life so my dreams are like free psychiatry.
Rakuen said:
I had a zombie dream (again) last night, they always leave me feeling incredibly claustrophobic.

I can never get back to sleep after dreams like that, in fact they are probably my worst nightmares. The best dreams are the ones where you realise its a dream so you can shape it to your will...
Tachi- said:
In the past i've had dreams which made little to no sense, yet later in life i'd get hit by a wave of de ja vu and only after thinking about it, i remember that i've seen it in a dream before. .

I get exactly the same thing. It used to be stronger when I was a child/teenager, though. Sitting in class... holding a pen, thinking 'I dreamt that,' it was rather odd to say the least.

Also the aspect of tripping while walking/running used to be a big reoccurring thing for me. I could never simply run away, I would always tumble, roll and then get up and run again as if it was a normal thing to do.
Usually a few minutes before i wake up i can tell its a dream, i'm not sure how to explain how i know its a dream, but i just get a feeling.
Not bad comics there, matey. :D Wonder if the world would have depended on them for nature and guidance, but now that they are "slain", that is not available... Would the world end, even through human's evolution?

Ahem, anyways... I've mostly had the de ja vu moments, of which I go, "I'm sure I've dreamt about this before..." and smile.
However, the ones that aren't in that catergory, I usually cant remember. but there are (for some reason) 2 dreams I know of that's stuck with me.

Both are involved in areas of the Middle East. The 1st one was me being captured, tortured and then getting pummeled by terrorists with all and every different type of weapon (pistols, rifles, machine guns, flamers, even bombs!) They flee for a second, the place gets napalmed by allied troops, a flash of flames then disperses and they terrorist comes back to finish me off... Nice.

The second on was me and my dad being guided around a town/marketplace. The guide was pretty happy, but the way he sometimes spoke to people was quite aggressive or egocentric. It seemed very shifty to us. After the tour, he said goodbye and me and my dad got into a car. we started driving and a man waves us to pull over and then helps himself into the car's back seats. He starts asking questions like a millitary man, but it's about personal information and he wasn't dress like the army. Then a struggle started between us and him, we all got out the car and there was more men with knives coming to help the suspicious man. then the close quarters fight started, with us getting 1 old man to back us up... and then I woke up.

I have no idea why these dreams pop up and stick to me... I seem like I'm racist towards arab nations. Not the truth, I asure you. ;)
I've had another weird dream recently, it was one of those "is this real? dreams.

Now before i share my dream with you all, a small bit of personal details are required to fully understand how i got to the place i did in the dream:

Every week i bite my nails so their short, its just become one of those habits i've got myself into (always like to look neat and tidy) now sometimes i see/feel that the skin around the nails on my fingers is tougher than normal skin (like when you cut your nails and there's that extra layer of skin thats visible from where the previous length of the nail went upto) and i bite that off too (as it makes my hands smooth and look alright)

Now to the dream:
I was sat at home watching tv, biting my nail of my thumb on my right hand, i bit into the skin abit too far and felt a quick stinging sensation on the tip of my thumb. i stop watching tv and check what the damage is.....its at that point i see it, coming out from under the skin in pure white poles and leafing out at the top, looking like white water cress but with a weird hardness to it. i try to pull it out in shock....but it hurts. i try to cut it with scissors, but the scissors break. after trying to bite them out i finally wonder if i can push them inside. They go in with the slightest of ease, no pain and its at that moment that i woke up. freaked out alittle i looked at my hands and wondered what the hell had just happened.

i had a dream ages ago which also freaked me out.
I was walking around in my dream, working and doing everyday things, until i woke up (in my dream) and looked at my face....all over my neck and cheeks where white rice-like grains hanging in a beard-like shape on my face.... although mostly white, some black/dark brown grain-like things where amongst the white. i shaved it off and with each shaving stroke, they would fall off and grow back immediatly after the razor had moved along the face.

That one freaked me out for a week.