[WANTED] - 'Domu: A Child's Dream' manga by Katsuhiro Otomo


If anyone has this manga and wouldn't mind selling it to me at a reasonable price OR sees a good deal anywhere, please give me a heads-up.

I was going to say Amazon but those people are taking the p*ss! Don't get me wrong, I have it and am not foolish enough to sell it, I think it's outstanding, but £55 and up? Ridiculous!!

The best I saw was a US edition from France for £25, but you'll have to enquire with the seller about shipping costs.

It's a lot of money, but a great manga. I suggest taking the time to actively seek out a more reasonably priced copy online somewhere because it'll be worth it. :D
Aye. I am keeping my eye out for this one everywhere. Hence I posted here. Just in case there was someone who has it and isn't too bothered about keeping it to themselves for a reasonable price.
So I finally bought a used copy from someone on AbeBooks (US edition). At £25 including shipping, I guess it's the best bargain I could get and looking forward to reading it.