Unknown Oh my Goddess Manga

The "Oh my Goddess" manga was published by Dark Horse, in an odd way. They published them in story arcs, each "chapter" being about 50 pages. They scrapped this though (as far as I can see) and started doing the volume releases (and are currently redoing them from the start). I wouldn't bother trying to find all these random chapters to do your collection, I'd recommend just starting with the volumes.
Oh and they're releasing the coloured version as well...


Their website's a bit crap so you'd have to use the search bar, or the title index - which leaves a lot to be desired for the OMG release.
I've got a lot of Oh! My Goddess from when Dark Horse were releasing it in 48 page installments every month. MELONPAN was rite in saying that they would run a complete story ark, then you'ld get a couple of "one shot" stories before the next ark started.