Ubisoft's Naruto dev diaries & Rise of Hokage website opens


Ghost of Animes
Earlier today, French game developers Ubisoft released their <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCUIGJ-lXv4">first "dev diary"</a> concerning the upcoming "Naruto: Rise of a Ninja" video game (XBOX 360). If you're interested, you can stream it <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCUIGJ-lXv4">over at YouTube</a>.

Also, in a bid to advertise the upcoming game, an official website called "<a href="http://riseofhokage.com/">Rise of Hokage</a>" has been launched for fans to hang out on, enter competitions and generally have fun with fellow Naruto addicts excited about the soon to be released video game. The url is <a href="http://riseofhokage.com/">http://riseofhokage.com/</a>.

Several of the website's competitions and features are listed below, quoted from an assortment of press releases.

<li>"The first game available is The Best Clone which consists in taking a picture of you reproducing or inspired from any character from the Naruto universe."</li>
<li>"The Best Ninja Scream which consists in uploading a ninja scream or a special moves scream inspired from any character from the Naruto universe."</li>
<li>"Answer 25 questions based around Naruto Universe and the video game Naruto: RoaN."</li>
<li>Anime UK News is assured that by registering on <a href="http://riseofhokage.com/">Rise of Hokage</a> and participating its fledgling community, you can win copies of the Naruto: RoaN video game & other goodies.</li>
Yay...I've won prizes in the competition!

Apparently, I've won the game, a T-shirt and a headband.

I'm kinda obsessed with T-shirts, so it'll be cool to see what this one's like...and I've wanted a headband for ages - just never got around to buying one.

They haven't arrived yet, but I'll take some pictures and stuff when they do! :D