Back in 2009, Studio BONES produced an anime adaptation of Atsushi Ohkubo's shonen manga <em>Soul Eater</em> and recently, it was revealed that they are once again collaborating with Square Enix to adapt the franchise; this time focusing on the <em>Soul Eater Not!</em> spin-off manga, which will start airing on 8th April. With just less than three months before its premiere, TV Tokyo have released a brand new trailer for the series:
The story of <em>Soul Eater Not</em>! takes place before the events of the main series and centres on Tsugumi Harudori, a fourteen year old girl who is a weapon in the DWMA's "NOT" (<strong>N</strong>ormally <strong>O</strong>vercome <strong>T</strong>arget) classes which aims to teach students about how to control their powers so that they can live an ordinary life.
Yen Press is currently publishing the manga in English.
The story of <em>Soul Eater Not</em>! takes place before the events of the main series and centres on Tsugumi Harudori, a fourteen year old girl who is a weapon in the DWMA's "NOT" (<strong>N</strong>ormally <strong>O</strong>vercome <strong>T</strong>arget) classes which aims to teach students about how to control their powers so that they can live an ordinary life.
Yen Press is currently publishing the manga in English.