Trinity Blood and Basilsik

sanji no 1

Vampire Ninja
I was thinking of getting the Trinity blood and Basilisk DVDs. Or just wait for the boxsets of them to come out. I saw a few AMVs (anime music videos) on youtube and thought they looked alright. Can anyone tell me if there worth getting?
I can't speak for Ballisk but i've seen all of Trinity Blood, i enjoyed the series just that it sort of ended leaving it wide open for more storylines. Of course i would rate the novels over the anime (haven't checked out the manga series yet)
I can't recommend Trinity Blood from what I've seen, only the first few volumes it has to be said; however it all felt a bit hollow to me. Visually it's quite nice, there's some okay action and the odd nice idea, but I just didn't care. I kept subconsciously drawing comparisons with other series' that use very similar ideas far more effectively. :(
I found Basilisk to start off shallow and thin, and just get better as time progressed. The final volumes were awesome, but you had to go through some dross to get there.