Top Gear Returns


I am a HUGE fan of Top Gear, even managed to get tickets to go and see it being filmed last season.

Been waiting for oh so long for the new series (6 eps this time round). Tonight we finally get to see the footage of Richard Hammonds crash and then we should hopefully get to see Clarkson and May rip the piss out of him (all in good fun of course).

Anyone else a fan?

Sundays at 8pm, repeated wednesdays at 7pm
I tune in occasionally so I'm really glad that Hammond is back and in good health (he actually went to the same high school as I did...weird!).

That sketch about the caravan holiday had me in stitches last time.
Tonight was brilliant they re-tar macced a road in 24 hours that the council said would take a week and the crash footage was really breath taking, its amazing Hammond survived
I'm glad that he got the highest speed in Britain (314mph?)

I watch it every week, though I have missed one or two since I started watching
at the risk of sounding sick, i only really watched it to see the crash, though the road paving had me in stictches

still quote of the week "you'd of held the record for high speed crashes but u'd have to go again the other direction" :D
It used to be repeated on Tuesdays, so check the TV schedule.

Pretty funny overall, Hammond looked terrified just before he got in the car, stumbling his words everywhere.

Can't wait until they really pull the stops out.
cornixt said:
It used to be repeated on Tuesdays, so check the TV schedule.

Pretty funny overall, Hammond looked terrified just before he got in the car, stumbling his words everywhere.

Can't wait until they really pull the stops out.

not to mention the famous last words, "i'll go over 300 mph and probually have a very fast accident" :D
I missed it :(. Top Gear is great, though i don't watch it regularly, it always makes me laugh everytime i watch it.
So glad Richard Hammond was alright after his crash, the series wouldn't be the same with out his loveliness *bit of a crush going on*.
I did see some footage of the crash on the news after the show was aired though, really pretty scary stuff, and they actually showed you some footage from the camera inside the car.
Must remember to watch it on Wednesday :)
i did see it last night and it was a good laugh, the road construction bit was really good. Just need to see next weeks one now.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
I'm no car fanatic by any stretch of the imagination but I absolutely love this show.

Tell me about it, I never used to watch it and then back in 2002 I sat down with uni mates and watched an episode and I was hooked, niow I watch it most days on Sky, love the challenges they get up to like racing accross europe to various places to see if the car can beat trains, planes or boats

Oh and also the viewing ratings from sunday night:

Top Gear = 8.6 Million viewers

Big Brother Finals = 7.3 Million