Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland


It's been announced that Tim Burton is currently working on his latest film, an adaption of Alice In Wonderland, which is set for release hopefully March 5, 2010. From what the pictures show, it definitely looks like a Tim Burton film - a much darker version of what ever it's adapted from. And also that it features Johnny Depp.

So far, the cast goes as follows:

Alice - Mia Wisikowska
The Mad Hatter - Johnny Depp
The Red Queen - Helena Bonham Carter
The White queen - Anne Hathaway
White Rabbit - Michael Sheen
The Caterpilla - Alan Rickman
Cheshire Cat - Steven Fry
Tweedledum + Tweedledee - Matt Lucas
Jabberwock - Christopher Lee
March Hair - Noah Taylor
Knave Of Hearts - Crispin Glover

I'm happy with the cast, especially with the introduction of Christopher Lee into Tim Burton's films, but it looks very much like the Sweeny Todd cast... That aside, the screen shots look great, and I'll be looking forward to this.

Johnny Depp AKA The Mad Hatter

A showing of what some of the characters will look like, including a high quality version of The Mad Hatter

I just wish they would show us what they've done to Cheshire cat already!
this is pretty good news. Alice is one of my favourite stories, Tim Burton is my favourite movie maker and he managed to cast an awfull lot of great actors in there. All his usuals are there...
Ryo Chan said:
ah it'll be based on the game then
Where on earth did you get that from?

McGee is hardly a visionary. Neither is Burton, but this is clearly along the lines of the kind of films he has already done.

Ughh... Matt Lucas.
iisan said:
Reasons to be excited; The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Reasons not to be excited; Edward Sisscorhands, Matt Lucas.

You didn't like Edward Scissorhands, yet you liked The Nightmare Before Christmas? That's a first! Hah, to each their own I guess. I loved them both.

I don't really know much about Matt Lucas, so I think I'll Wiki him.


It's him!
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
especially with the introduction of Christopher Lee into Tim Burton's films
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

I'll be watching, but I'm seriously bored of Tim Burton using Johnny Depp, god damn. He's in every Tim Burton movie, EVER.
Tim Burton gets a lot of credit for The Nightmare Before Christmas, but at the end of the day it was only his idea, the film was in fact directed by Henry Selick (James and the Giant Peach, Coraline) so in that sense, I'm yet to see a Tim Burton film I like.
oh joy, more drivel, but because its burton and depp, no doubt it will be a critical darling and loads of minions will flock to see it.

anything else i need to know about it?
I'll probably go see it. Burton films can be rather hit or miss with me but the designs alone look interesting enough to give it a chance. And that's an interesting cast (aside from the regulars).

Lupus said:
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
especially with the introduction of Christopher Lee into Tim Burton's films
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

I'll be watching, but I'm seriously bored of Tim Burton using Johnny Depp, god damn. He's in every Tim Burton movie, EVER.

Completely forgot about that!
I am so glad they went with the idea of basing this movie on the game, and the casting is superb I think this will be one of my must sees on the day it is released, I just hope it gives me the same creepy spine feeling as the game did
McIcy said:
I am so glad they went with the idea of basing this movie on the game, and the casting is superb I think this will be one of my must sees on the day it is released, I just hope it gives me the same creepy spine feeling as the game did

It's a Tim Burton movie, so my hopes are up. I'm not just mindlessly saying every Time Burton film is great. Just that they have a certain dark quality towards them!
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Maxon said:
The Caterpilla - Alan Rickman
Cheshire Cat - Steven Fry
I find the lack of joy at this part disturbing.

AUKN, I am disappoint.

Is it the actors you don't like or the fact that they're playing that role? Because Alan Rickman is an amazing actor ;D
I think he means it's odd that we aren't over the moon about that casting. Stephen Fry as the Cheshire Cat is probably the only thing that's really got me interested right now. I wonder if it'll be a cat with a Stephen Fry face... hmmm...
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Maxon said:
The Caterpilla - Alan Rickman
Cheshire Cat - Steven Fry
I find the lack of joy at this part disturbing.

AUKN, I am disappoint.

Is it the actors you don't like or the fact that they're playing that role? Because Alan Rickman is an amazing actor ;D
What the bloody hell are you on about? That's what I just said.
Maxon said:
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Maxon said:
The Caterpilla - Alan Rickman
Cheshire Cat - Steven Fry
I find the lack of joy at this part disturbing.

AUKN, I am disappoint.

Is it the actors you don't like or the fact that they're playing that role? Because Alan Rickman is an amazing actor ;D
What the bloody hell are you on about? That's what I just said.

Sorry mate, I misread your post ^^'.