Thinking of getting Berserk

sanji no 1

Vampire Ninja
Just recently i saw a trailer to Berserk on Black Cat volume 3 dvd in the extras. it actually caught my interest. it looked dark, Gothic, violent and had the epic "HAI YAI FORCES" music playing! So now im eager to get it. The boxsets £35 on amazon.

But before i buy it, i want to know what you people think of it first. And dont be afraid to be honest. :)
Berserk is a personal favourite of mine, and has been since i started the manga. The anime covers one of the best parts of the series, the Band of the Hawk. Characters are powerful, strong story and music is of course done by the awesome Susumu Hirasawa. I rate it amongst my top 10 quite easily.
Watched it fairly recently and it gets a thumbs up from me.

I would just add that it is based on an ongoing manga, so the show doesn't really have an ending. But that didn't really bother me.
I'd recommend the manga which I'm enjoying a hell of a lot so far. I just hope it stays good and doesn't start to fade in the later volumes. To anyone who reads it, how are the latest volumes of Berserk (Vol 20 onwards)?

As for the anime, I'm in a similar situation. I'm thinking I'll just focus on other anime series for the time being as I'm reading the manga anyway.
Yuvie said:
I'd recommend the manga which I'm enjoying a hell of a lot so far. I just hope it stays good and doesn't start to fade in the later volumes. To anyone who reads it, how are the latest volumes of Berserk (Vol 20 onwards)?

Guts gets his own JRPG party, it's not as grimdark as the Golden Age, but it's still pretty ballin' I'd say there's more of an emotional emphasis on Gut's character too. The quality is still good, don't worry.

I fully recommend listening to this while reading too.
If you're sexist and/or are fond of rape, it's the ultimate anime.

The characterization is top notch, also. If you're a woman, or a bit gay, it might bother you to see the ONLY useful female progress via either sexist comments, rape attempts or good ol' Mr. Birdman raping, though.
I think my Avatar says it all :D

Its that good that my wife really wanted to watch it throughout, where she usually isn't all that fussed.