The Wii seems to be the newest "murder simulator"

Liquid Skin

Magical Girl
Move over GTA, there's a new dog in town....

Everyone loves the Wii Zapper. It's the best thing since the Super Scope and on par with sliced bread, but a few concerned New Jersey based parents and grandparents aren't on board with Nintendo's plans to release this deadly peripheral. In a post on the Parental Guidance blog hosted at the Star Ledger, readers complained that the Zapper was "irresponsible" and that "the marketing person who came up with this brain child of an idea should be fired."

Most alarming among the concerns were that "toys guns of yesteryear were red, blue and whatever... no ligitimate [sic] reason to risk anyones life." Instead, Nintendo is letting our children run around with white guns, just like the real life ones. Are they mad?!

I know what you're thinking. "Get a brain morans!", right? Not so fast.

Unfortunately, the clueless Parental Guidance team posted the wrong photo of the Wii Zapper. Using the above picture, one that's modeled closely after an actual handgun instead of the Nintendo manufactured device which looks more like a Dustbuster or space age caulking gun. The wrong photo was up for about 24 hours worth of hilarious, misinformed angry comments.

Source: ... 300046.php

I stand by my nintendo fanboy comment - the fanboys are kittens - the mothers of said kittens seem to have the dribbling lunatic gene. Maybe it skips a generation?

Oh the actual source of aforementioned craziness is here btw: ... f_wii.html
Great, simulation, key point: Not a real gun. It's your own damn fault if your let your kids get their hands on REAL guns. I've played multiple FPS games, and it hasn't turned me into a murderer yet.

I seriously doubt a plastic mould is going to make me finally psycho. It's just parents making a fuss over nothing.
Seriosly how stupid can some people be. Its not exactly going to make a kid think 'oh im going to go kill someone because i have a plastic wii gun' :lol:
One of the quotes on the site:

"Great, this is what we need. Children with guns learning how to aim and shoot. Then we can sit back and wonder what is happening to our country with kids killing kids......what's next? Could we make it squirt blood, too" one reader commented

I swear people should have to pass a IQ test before they're allowed children.

Ooo and don't forget this gem either:

A "very concerned grandparent" wrote:
"....Why don't they enclose an application to the NRA in every box as well....the marketing person who came up with this brain child of an idea should be fired."

Another IQ test after you reach a certain age to prove you have the mental capacity to justify your existence as well methinks.....
Did they ever say the same thing for arcade games which had light guns? or perhaps the light guns which are more closer to the actual thing that you buy as accessories for say the PS2? not that i know of, so why complain now? This is harmless, and i really doubt somehow that this will cause any more problems than them.
Oh yes, having something shaped like a gun is just pure lunacy. Since the dawn of mankind, our children have been playing with animals, physics and algebra. This new trend where we buy our children toy soldiers, action men and Lego is not something a normal parent can even begin to comprehend. Oh wait, playing with toy soldiers and action men isn't a new trend at all, who would have guessed! Maybe if these video game Nazis took a few moments in their hypocritical lives to consider this, they wouldn't be in an uproar regarding the concept of a light gun, which has been around since the NES days. A very ugly and deformed looking light gun, too.
the marketing person who came up with this brain child of an idea should be fired."

Man, was that pun placed there purposely or what!? -- you just can't make this stuff up, I swear.

I hope they have a wildfire of a duel in court.