The War of the World


Very interesting programme about the wars of the last century without the usual western-centric viewpoint. They pretty much ignored britain joining WW2, but in the grand scheme of things it was rather insignificant. I'd urge anyone who has an interest in history to watch it, much more interesting than most war documentaries.
Just curious cornixt but is the program based on the book "The War of the World" or is it the other way round? since i was in waterstones and just happened to see it and realised you mentioned it in this topic? i was just interested. i was also interested in getting the book but i never did :?
No, it isn't the HG Wells sci fi book or the series that is based on it. The presenter is a well known historian so it is likely that he wrote a book on which the series is based. This is a documentary series about the 20th century. Quite a lot of it is about the Japanese invasion in the east.

The HG Wells book is great though.
No..the book wasn't called the war of the was the war of the had basically the same description as you gave for the program you saw
I've noticed one thing about history based on my relation to various cultures and that is the fact that each country tells history in a different way, which pisses me off. My teacher told me that we learn history because it will help us learn from the mistakes people did in the past, but all I have learnt from history is that it's okay to twist history into something conveniant and then teach it to young kids. Hell, maybe I'm wrong about it all but from what I've experienced this is my point of view.

PS. Was never good at history anyway, I'm really crap at remembering dates.
It is funny how different history is taught at schools around the world. In the UK we concentrate almost entirely on Hitler's role in WW2, in Japan they hardly say a thing about the atrocities committed during the Japanese invasion of Asia, in China that is all they teach, in the US it is pretty much only about Pearl Harbour and the US battles in France. May be a little over simplified that that's the jist of it.

I hated history at school, but now I've left nearly all the non-fiction tv I watch is based on history in some way!
Exactly, that's what I'm talkin' about. Take Turkey for example right, they brag about how they did all this stuff to Britain in the past, but when I ask my History teacher about it he says he doesn't know. I mean, what good is history if someone is lying and the other is telling the truth? Is that really history?