the virgin suicides


Stand User
has any1 seen this movie? it's quite old... well in terms that it's not new. it was out around 2000.

i seen the video for playground love by air. which was from the ost for the movie and had clips from the movie... and to be honest it really got me going.

i was soooooo looking forward to seein this as i love dark but colourfull movies. and the playground love vid really made it seem like this. but it was very disapointing...

spoilers start:

for most of the it's really quite slow paced a and nothing much happens and then at the end they all kill themselves and gives no reason or thought as to really way... i mean come da **** they were grounded! way didn't they just run away:

spoilers end

i get the feeling from watching this movie and knowing it was first a novel there is alot more story and alot explanation as to way they did the things they did...

very disapointed in a movie i was so looking forward to... any1 else seen it or read the book and would care to elaborate
McIcy said:
Really like this movie, the end is a huge suprise, very twisted but makes the film even better in my opinion

what ur saying is what i was expecting.... it wasn't nearly as twisted or dark as i would have liked... i love darkly colourfull movies like the heathers... this just went all out at the end with no real reasoning behind it.
I saw it for the first time on ITV3 last year and wasn't too impressed. It seemed to have some depth, but in all honesty the plot was too thin and the ending made no real sense.

I'm sure the book's better though - not that I'll bother to read it (I read books, I just don't want to read this one).

McIcy: How could you find the ending suprising?! It's in the title for crying out loud! I don't mean any offence btw, I'm just suprised. Nice avatar btw.
I remember watching it not long after it came out, i thought it was good but couldn't help watching and constantly saying WTF?