The Venture Brothers


The Venture Bros. is an American animated television series airing as part of Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. Notable for its strong continuity, complex characters and unexpected plot twists, it chronicles the adventures of two dopey teenage boys, Hank and Dean Venture; their super-scientist father, Dr. Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture; and, the family bodyguard, secret agent Brock Samson.

The series pays homage to the style of the classic Hanna-Barbera animated action series Jonny Quest: Hank and Dean's roles resemble those of Jonny and Hadji; Dr. Venture is a caricature of Dr. Benton Quest; and, Brock Samson represents a testosterone-loaded, excessively violent take on Race Bannon (who has appeared in the show). Flashbacks show that Dr. Venture himself, like Jonny Quest, was a "boy adventurer" in his youth; his own father (the original Dr. Venture), is much akin to classic pulp fiction hero Doc Savage. The show is known for its parodies, including The Hardy Boys mysteries, the Fantastic Four comic book characters, the Scooby Doo television show, and many others

Mate showed me both series this week... actually we spent the last 2 days watching 26 episodes and I laughed the whole time.

Best Bits

Brock the bodyguard, voiced by the guy who does Buzz Lightyear in the cartoons and Kronk from the Emperors New Groove, as the most psychotic bodyguard ever.

Finding out Race banyon from Johnny Quest is gay for Johnnys Quests dad.

Shows the Fantastic 4 as the failures they are.... like the human torch screaming in pain when on fire.

Having a villian who dresses as a Butterfly and calls himself The Monarch :D

Getting to see Scooby Doo telling shaggy he is the hand of god and should kill the sinners

Best Quotes

Brock Samson: After the twist, you'll feel a snap and the body goes ragdoll on you.
Hank Venture: And that will knock him out... even more?
Brock Samson: That will kill him.
Hank Venture: Do I have to?
Brock Samson: Alright, fine crybaby. Tie him up and, I guess, gag him. But at the first sign of trouble I want you to at least break both his knees

Brock Samson: Don't you have nothing else to do but harp on Dr. Venture? Why haven't you tried the World Domination thing, you afraid of the big leagues?
The Monarch: Please. How stupid do I look to you? World Domination. I'll leave that to the religious nuts or the Republicans, thank you.

Dr. Venture: Brock, I need dead people. Lots and lots of dead people.
Brock: Uh-huh.
Dr. Venture: I already got 12 from the henchmen you killed, not counting the black guy without the head, but we need like, uh, 100 something. We need like a full gross of dead people.
Brock: Right, and, uh...where are we gonna get all these dead people?
Dr. Venture: Well, I thought, seeing how you know, you and all, could go out and--
Brock: No.
Dr. Venture: --make some...
Brock: No.
Dr. Venture: ...dead people.
Brock: No.
Dr. Venture: Well, fine. Thanks a lot for not helping.
Brock: Anything else?