The Telegraph talk to Miyazaki and visit Ghibli


Ghost of Animes
In lieu of the impending autumn UK theatrical release of Hayao Miyazaki's latest movie Howl's Moving Castle, UK newspaper The Telegraph have produced a detailed article looking at the world and life of the famous anime director and Studio Ghibli. The article includes short interviews with (and impressions of) Miyazaki and his producer Toshio Suzuki.

The Telegraph have also posted an extremely short review of the (September-bound DVD release) Appleseed.
I enjoyed reading this part of the Miyazaki feature, it reveals a lot about his personality :)

Unlike his richly-coloured images, the director cuts a monochrome figure, dressed all in grey, with a silver beard, floppy silver hair, startlingly black caterpillar eyebrows and, behind black-framed glasses, mischievous eyes. There is a question I can't resist asking: if this man who has imagined so many wondrous creatures were himself an animal, what would he be?

The reply has the translator diving for her dictionary. Helpfully, Miyazaki grabs her notepad and sketches his animalistic self. It is a woodlouse. "You can find it in your back garden," he explains. "It's not aggressive; it's totally unselfish and pure." The humble woodlouse also, one remembers, curls into a tight protective ball when under threat.

Everything I read about Miyazaki and Ghibli just makes the place seem more mystical than before.

As a side note, it's great to see an article of this length appearing in a mainstream British newspaper.
Paul said:
As a side note, it's great to see an article of this length appearing in a mainstream British newspaper.
It really is, nice news to see Miyazaki and Ghibli getting some press before the films release, lets hope to see some more to boost the studio and the films profile :)
Yes i saw this my girlfriend got it out of the newspaper for me couple of days ago but i left it round her house, cant wait to read it though.
Out of all the newpapers, the Telegraph's mean the one supporting anime and manga the most this year, with several articles through the year, particularly on weekends. This one's particularly good, well done to the Telegraph for supporting anime as such, even if it is Ghibli, which after Spirited Away means it's bound to get some well-deserved coverage.
Well written, informative, and not a tentacle in sight... what the hell? It seems the British media is finally beginning to take anime seriously.

It's intersting how different Ghiblis and Disneys business sensibilities are. Right now it seems Disney are only out to make a quick buck, while Ghibli genuinely cares about the work it produces. If this is to continue, we'd better hope Ghibli don't get taken over by some business-minded upstarts once the current team is gone...