Thousand Master
Set in an alternate history of Japan, freelance photographer Minagami Hayato returns to his hometown of Ootomo to investigate rumours of a man wearing a skull mask committing murders there. Once in the city, he discovers connections between the victims and a local pharmaceutical company, a new religious sect, and strange half-human, half-animal creatures. Along with a young photographer, he decides to find out who the Skull Man really is.
Implied alternate histories are ways difficult to untangle, but what I’ve worked out is this. It about the 60's and Japan got split up, and Ootoma has a more totalitarian government than the rest, getting in is difficult without the right paper work and the boarder guards are not afraid to use their automatic weapons (so kinda like the USA). Despite some curtailing of civil liberties (midnight curfew) life if fairly good to the inhabitants and things are getting better after the war (possibly with the rest of Japan). Byakureikai, A local religion, whose people spent a lot of time looking after the city, keeping it clean, etc. That’s the surface anyway.
Series itself is very much a on going continuous plot, with each episode lasting about a day, but not necessarily all day. While the focus is on a more drama-based show with Hayato looking for the Skull man and all the political skulduggery, it does manage to tread the fine line by having lighter moments. Notably between Hayato and Kiriko (a young female photographer he kinda got attached to), but also with Kyōichirō (private investigator) and one of the cops. It also manages to tread the fine line of gving you enough each episode to deepen your understanding of the world an plot, but not giving too much away.
This is my favourite new anime of this season, overtaking Darker than Black, but is anyone else enjoying it?
Implied alternate histories are ways difficult to untangle, but what I’ve worked out is this. It about the 60's and Japan got split up, and Ootoma has a more totalitarian government than the rest, getting in is difficult without the right paper work and the boarder guards are not afraid to use their automatic weapons (so kinda like the USA). Despite some curtailing of civil liberties (midnight curfew) life if fairly good to the inhabitants and things are getting better after the war (possibly with the rest of Japan). Byakureikai, A local religion, whose people spent a lot of time looking after the city, keeping it clean, etc. That’s the surface anyway.
Series itself is very much a on going continuous plot, with each episode lasting about a day, but not necessarily all day. While the focus is on a more drama-based show with Hayato looking for the Skull man and all the political skulduggery, it does manage to tread the fine line by having lighter moments. Notably between Hayato and Kiriko (a young female photographer he kinda got attached to), but also with Kyōichirō (private investigator) and one of the cops. It also manages to tread the fine line of gving you enough each episode to deepen your understanding of the world an plot, but not giving too much away.
This is my favourite new anime of this season, overtaking Darker than Black, but is anyone else enjoying it?