The PSP - Will FFVII: Crisis Core make you buy it?


After listening to the amazing soundtrack of Crisis Core, I have to say I'll be getting the PSP when Crisis Core makes it over. From remixed FFVII tracks, previously unreleased tracks from FFVII: Last Order and the new tracks, it all comes together to form when of my favourite VG soundtracks.

I have high hopes for Crisis Core thanks to Last Order. We (FFVII fans) had never got to know much about Zack before that, only picking up bits and pieces. His easy going and often funny personality shown in Last Order makes me think his character alone will make Crisis Core enjoyable.

Aside from the story rating (the FFVII story has been ruined by Advent Children already), this review makes Crisis Core look promising:

I'd have the PSP already if Konami had released the Suikoden I & II ports outside of Japan. I'm hoping the Star Ocean I & II ports don't also stay exclusive to Japan...
If the price for the PSP goes down, Crisis Core gets it's english release, and there are a few more good looking games on the PSP yes.
Sadly as much as I love Zack (And would kill to play this game) I wouldn't get one just to play it, seems like a lot of money for just one game.
No, because Square Enix need to stop making ****** remakes or spin-offs and concentrate on the real deal. Final Fantasy is pretty much dead, all this added in extra crap about the characters, it was better when they were much more mysterious, they tend to stick in your mind thinking all "Who were they?" But Square Enix submitted for the fan[boy]s and made up some ****** two minute past on them to sale big.
The PSP would be the greatest invention ever if the Suikoden I & II ports had made it outside of Japan. It's too bad the Japanese no likey Suikoden.

There's not much out I want on the PSP apart from Crisis Core- Valk Profile 1 port, BoF III port (have PS1 version), Final Fantasy Tactics (have PS1 version)...that's it.

Anyway, back to Crisis Core. It's worth playing just for the soundtrack since FFVII fans will love listening to it. It'll also be nice to see the full Zack story, although it will most likely mess up the FFVII plot more and cause problems.
The PSP/Final Fantasy hate on this forum is really quite bizarre, but meh, I've learned this forum isn't exactly the best place for the most thought-through opinions on games by now.
No, i wouldn't. I've never been a fan of the PSP ever since the first concrete details came out ages ago. Also i've never really brought a console just for one game (It would have to have at least five) and PSP just doesn't offer me anything i could get on another console retro or current gen. Crisis core looks nice but doesn't really appeal to me so even if it gets a uk release then i'll pass :)
CitizenGeek said:
The PSP/Final Fantasy hate on this forum is really quite bizarre, but meh, I've learned this forum isn't exactly the best place for the most thought-through opinions on games by now.

That is actually a really pompous thing to say.

Don't try to insult our intelligence just because we have differing opinions. I'm hardly an idiot, my opinions aren't any less thought out than yours, and neither are most other people who don't like Final Fantasy VII Crisis Beserk 3 Alpha. so don't act all high and mighty.
"teh muzik will be cheapa"

Since it only cost me around 20 minutes of my time, you're 100% correct. ;)

Music works better when listening to it makes you recall memories. That's the reason the remixed tracks and tracks from Last Order are great. I'd enjoy the new music used in Crisis Core more if I play the game and have scenes to put together with the music.


Final Fantasy VII has always been hated because of its popularity. People want to be different, people want to go against the norm. I'll never understand the hate it's received from certain people.

I do agree that Advent Children and DoC are both very poor attempts at cashing in on the name. Advent Children has an awful, unexplainable story that ignores some of the stuff that happened in the game and DoC is just a bad game.

Crisis Core will be much better since it tells the story of Zack, putting together the pieces we learned about him in FFVII. And, even if the new story is crap, it will become awesome towards the end when it reaches the events shown in Last Order.
I am really looking forward to this game. I don't have a PSP, but borrow my cousins pretty often, and have some games for it already.

I would have imported the game, if not understanding it gave me such a headache. I think that the battle system looks great.

And stop you FF bashing Lupus ;P
I don't hate FFVII, I just don't believe it needs nor deserves these spin-offs. The gameplay in Crisis Core doesn't look too hot to me, and I don't feel the need to find out everything about Zack, so I'll miss it.
Isn't the battle system like.... Yu-Gi-Oh cards or something?

@ Neriek: NEVER, not until SE starts concentrating on "FF XIII" and not "Final Fantasy:VII-2 SUPER HYPER COMBO SUPER EDITION X2!!"
Lupus Inu said:
not until SE starts concentrating on "FF XIII" and not "Final Fantasy:VII-2 SUPER HYPER COMBO SUPER EDITION X2!!"

They are concentrating on FXIII its just that they are also concentrating on the half a dozen spin of games that are coming out with it :p Seriously though hopefully we've seen the last of the VII spin offs
CitizenGeek said:
The PSP/Final Fantasy hate on this forum is really quite bizarre, but meh, I've learned this forum isn't exactly the best place for the most thought-through opinions on games by now.
All I see in this post is this:


Cry me a river, someone differentiates from your opinion? OH NOES. Get over it. I like Final Fantasy games but I wish Square Enix wouldn't milk the franchise so damn much. Get an original IP already SE. Oh, and before you say Nintendo does it too, they do, moot point. I wish all companies would stop milking franchises.
Lupus Inu said:
Isn't the battle system like.... Yu-Gi-Oh cards or something?

@ Neriek: NEVER, not until SE starts concentrating on "FF XIII" and not "Final Fantasy:VII-2 SUPER HYPER COMBO SUPER EDITION X2!!"
The battle system is real time, and I think they compared it to something like Kingdom Hearts. When I watched trailers, it wasn't cards anyway (but I am not exactly the most observant person there).

And Square Enix are concentrating on Final Fantasy XIII. The numbered games get most of the companies resources. And, this is a good game from what I have seen, and I have heard posative thing about it. You should stop bashing spin-offs. They arn't ALL bad.