The London Anime Club is closing

Anime clubs have been made entirely redundant by the internet, it seems. Thankfully, there's still one in Dublin (the only one in Ireland, I'm told) but I'm not sure how long it'll last :/
A shame but with the apathy shown by the it had begun a downward spiral into ridiculousness already. The website's forum has been broken for months, killing part of the community. Long breaks between meetings and absolutely no information or discussion in between forced people to make other plans (if you're lucky you would catch the calendar being updated and be able to plan for the next meeting). I think if the (lovely) people running it had engaged more with the members we could have done some great things.

I haven't been for half a year myself, not on purpose but because with no community and no working website it's too hard to casually remember when it is on and I end up making other plans.

The last time I went to a LAC meeting it was held in the basement of a pub behind, I think, Oxford Street. That was quite a long time ago! Social events just... aren't for me. It's sad to see such a long-running event close for good, though.
Sad to in the East midlands there is 4 I know of (Nottingham, Derby, Leicster, Northampton)

I go to the one in Nottingham there is like 40 odd people turn up once every week.
EpicLulz said:
Sad to in the East midlands there is 4 I know of (Nottingham, Derby, Leicster, Northampton)

I go to the one in Nottingham there is like 40 odd people turn up once every week.

Well things are more expensive in London. Everyone who came in paid £2.50 and that was put towards the cost of venue hire. With numbers dropping the club couldn't pay for the venue and it seems the organisers have felt that they could not continue.
A really bad cold kept me from going this last time. I was actually wondering how this would be like and I guess I'll have only one more chance and no more.