The legend of zelda phantom hourglass

Rena Ryuugu

Is anyone else looking forward to this game. This legend of zelda game is for the nintendo ds and is the first handheld zelda game to be made my nintendo since links awakening on the ds. It makes full use of the ds touch screen and allows the user to make notes so if you are in a dungeon and there is a room that needs the weapon of the dungeon then you can make a note so you will know where to go once you got the weapon. Here are some pictures from the game.
I watched a video of it on the GameSpot E3 coverage. It looks like quite a sleek game. Can't really say that much about it since I know pretty much nothing about it.

The Touch screen-ness looks to be in good use though.
Really looking forward to this game, i havn't played wind waker and i know this is a follow up to that game but from what i have heard it wont matter too much.

The footage at E3 looked really good and it seems that the game will use the DS to its full potential.
probably one of the only games i have seen that will encorporate the DS to its fullest. I'm looking forward to it really, being a Zelda fan and all, also the fact that it looks great too, i'd love to see how it works out.
As much as I disagreed with the direction Wind Waker went (Till the day I die I will say that the graphics DID matter - they killed the mood, though they were good in themselves. Then again, far worse was the half finished nature of the game etc) I still want to find out what happened after it, so Phantom Hourglass will certainly be on my 'get now' list when it comes out :)
CitizenGeek said:
I usually don't like Zelda (the most overrated series EVER IMO) but this game looks ace! Really looking forward to it!

*Quietly mutters that I still believe Ocarina of Time is the best game ever created nearly 9 years on...*