The interminable wait for the next volume.


For the six or seven months now that I’ve been quite heavily into anime I have been largely playing catch-up. By that I mean I’ve been watching mainly series that have already been released in their entirety on DVD. But now that I’ve seen NGE and Nadesico and GITS and Cowboy Bebop and so on and so on I’m finding that I’m increasingly watching series where I’m having to wait for the next volume. And it’s already driving me mad!! I’ve become so used to watching a series in a few days to weeks that it’s difficult adapting to four episodes every six weeks.

Do any of you like that suspense of waiting to see what happens or does it drive you equally mad?
i don't mind really, well actually depends on what series it is. For FMP! TSR, i got and watched volume 3 yesterday, and now i need to wait for the last volume to be released and its annoying me cause i should have watched it more slower so that the wait wasn't so bad. As for other things its not to bad, since i may not be as into the series or i may have other things keeping me more occupied.
The alternative is called BitTorrent, use it wisely. I did it with FMA, I still buy the DVDs though, for support and stuff. ;/ Though, I'm past that now, waiting ages for Eureka Seven is harsh. ;_;
Lupus Inu said:
The alternative is called BitTorrent, use it wisely. I did it with FMA, I still buy the DVDs though, for support and stuff. ;/ Though, I'm past that now, waiting ages for Eureka Seven is harsh. ;_;

well i use that for series that aren't available for purchase yet..but thats about it. Even that can take ages though =/
I do find it a tad annoying at times with some series, atm i am waiting on My-Hime vol.5 but i just fill the time with fan subs and other complete DVD sets i bought previously.

But if it wasn't so long between release dates i would end up bankrupting myself buying so much anime ^^ , always good to spread the cost over time :)
I remember nearly dieing waiting for volume 5 of Witch Hunter Robin after the cliffhanger volume 4 gave. This was back in 2003 when it wasn't released over here so it was a long wait.
I hate the wait, its the worst part of this addiction, you get to a cliff hanger of a scene the build up has been going for a few eps and just as you get to the mind melting conclusion....... the ep ends and thats the end of the dvd...... ARGHHHHHH F£(*$ (£*&$$) )$£*)$£$ and many more words like that are uttered
I actually like the wait for the next volume.It gives me a chance to re watch the previous one.
But the thing that really annoys me is when the next volume is out and i dont have the money to buy the frikin thing.
Outlawstar said:
I actually like the wait for the next volume.It gives me a chance to re watch the previous one.
But the thing that really annoys me is when the next volume is out and i dont have the money to buy the frikin thing.

Ooooh yeah thats bad, cause then the ep is right there taunting and teasing you
Yeah I hate waiting for the next volume of a dvd in a series. So what I have tended to do recently is either just wait until they are all out. Or wait up until the second from last vol to start buying a series. That way I can normally start watching a series none stop till the last vols out without a big gap in between. Draw back is though I end up waiting months just to watch a show, but thats my chosing as I like to watch them all in one go.
It's not the wait that annoys me, it's the times that the companies lag in bringing the DVDs out.
E.g. Original sale date: 1st Feb, Actual Release: ??? MWA?!!!! *Explodes*

As long as I know it's coming, I just wait at the door in my PJs and 'wag my tail' waiting for the postman to arrive. ^_^ (Although I think the postman has gotten used to seing me at my worst... lol)
Maybe only go for series that have already been finished or just sitck to box sets maybe? I dunno...

It doesn't really affect me as I'm never rich enough to be up to date. :cry: I usually wait for a good sale and stock up ahead of time when I can.
I only buy box sets I cant stand watching an anime then having to wait for the next episode. Just like for manga I cant stand waiting for the next volume.
I don't do it so much with dvds because i usually don't have the money to buy many. But yes, when there is a series i'm up to date with and collecting it can be rather annoying. Sometimes it does add to the suspense, but occationally it makes me lose interest in the anime. I guess it's a testimony to how good the series is.

I think i find the wait worse with fansubs and Manga. If i'm watching a really good fansubbed series one episode a week just isn't enough (though i think this impatience comes from in the past watching anime on tv, and getting an episode a day).
And with Manga it seems like often theres a wait of many months between a volume (i believe volume 3 of Absolute Boyfriend came out in Jan/Feb, 4th isn't out until August). But like you, with manga i've become quite used to buying series that are already fully released, so i find it hard to wait when they are not
Hey thats nothing Waiting 6 months for the next volume of a manga, not thats maddening. Or in the case of Hellsing 8, a year and a half and counting... :(
butch-cassidy said:
Hey thats nothing Waiting 6 months for the next volume of a manga, not thats maddening. Or in the case of Hellsing 8, a year and a half and counting... :(

A year and a half thats seriously pathetic
butch-cassidy said:
Hey thats nothing Waiting 6 months for the next volume of a manga, not thats maddening. Or in the case of Hellsing 8, a year and a half and counting... :(
Wow, thats rough. I would be picketing the distributor by now. I think i would end up losing interest if i was made to wait that long for a volume
Charter_Mage said:
I don't do it so much with dvds because i usually don't have the money to buy many. But yes, when there is a series i'm up to date with and collecting it can be rather annoying. Sometimes it does add to the suspense, but occationally it makes me lose interest in the anime. I guess it's a testimony to how good the series is.
I wouldn't say that exactly... I mean I like Fullmetal Alchemist, but the volumes take ages to come out.
It's not the decency of the show, it the fact that you've watched 1/2 the series, get put on hold and by the next release, you've forgot most of the important storyline...I'll definately need to re-watch it to understand it all completely.
Chaz said:
Charter_Mage said:
I don't do it so much with dvds because i usually don't have the money to buy many. But yes, when there is a series i'm up to date with and collecting it can be rather annoying. Sometimes it does add to the suspense, but occationally it makes me lose interest in the anime. I guess it's a testimony to how good the series is.
I wouldn't say that exactly... I mean I like Fullmetal Alchemist, but the volumes take ages to come out.
It's not the decency of the show, it the fact that you've watched 1/2 the series, get put on hold and by the next release, you've forgot most of the important storyline...I'll definately need to re-watch it to understand it all completely.

Usually thats what i have to do with the series i get that have long waits for the next volume.
Though i find it depends really on the depth of the story, because some aren't as confusing as some or they are more easier to understand. With FMA, i've only just started it but i have had to be put on hold to get the second volume of the DVD's since the company distributing it changed, so i will need to re-watch the first DVD(ok not far into the storyline) so i can remember whats next. It can really be a nuisance =/
Having to wait is one of my main gripes about DVD series in general to be honest, but I find it especially bad when it comes to anime.

You wait ages for companies to actually announce they're going to release a series and then you have to wait another 6 to however many months for them to finish releasing it, the wait does my head in. :?

Also, just as I start to settle into watching something and I then have to start watching something else - when what I really want is to find out what happened next in the series I was just watching, but can't because it's not out yet - get's blooming anoying.

Then there's the fact that a lot of the time I end up watching the latest disk of something, forget some of the things that have happened so far and go 'huh?' a lot. :roll: :?

Nope, for me I really do prefer to have the full series before watching it and will wait untill the full set of disks have been released untill I buy them - as i'm doing with FMP : Second Raid, but having said that as with most things there are exceptions, I'm currently collecting Eureka Seven which is going to be a while before it's all released, and Jinki Extend, although that's only 3 disks, and i'll probably collect Air Gear too as it's released. :D Other than those and the odd series that I bought the first disk or two for then 'ummed and ahhed' about, it's full series all the way. :)