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Hump day? Well if you're offering Danielle ;)

Alas, i've returned for another brief visit to the old place. Not a great deal has changed since my last visit, i've attended my first car event of this year (the fast show at santa pod raceway) this sunday just gone, realized that true discipline of the mind can overcome anything life throws at you; i've trained diligently in the gym and realized my true potential (spending months to years of milling around and not going to the gym or eating enough food to grow i never managed to get past 12kg dumbells, i'm now on 24kg with hopes of 30kg before may), this new me comes at a cost though - my eyes aren't as spritely as they once where, in the past year my left eye has changes its stigmatism from 180 degrees to 20 which affects my ability to refract light within the eye and leads to constant migraines as such i've elected to start job hunting for a job in london. At present my nicely paid NHS job has served me well but i long for a new challenge and in the NHS governing body "Monitor" i'm hoping i can find just that, hopefully gone are the days of number crunching and overseeing others but to take managerial duties to a whole new level.

Seeing many of my friends go off to uni and study/party for 3 years was tough at the time, i truly felt as if i wouldnt be an equal when they returned.... nothing could be further from the truth, thankfully my years of service to the NHS rewards me with a job paying more than double what the combined wages of my friends earn... because of this i think that the pressure for kids to finish school and progress onto further education or else live in grotty houses with crap paying jobs - is a complete farce and should be uprooted from societies stigmatistical view.

Also, i'm saving up for a house :) should have my own place by the end of the year. The idea is to buy a semi or a fully detached so i can build a garage and a man cave next to the house, i've got it all planned out. My anime collection, 50inch tv, playstations and xbox's all in a huge shelving platform halfway up the wall, reclining sofa and beer fridge :p

Leaving note.... i was dared to tackle a cheeseburger challenge by a friend not long ago... 10 macdonalds cheeseburgers within 30mins. Sounds do-able but be warned; the salt intake per burger is something mental like 17% of you're daily intake. so drowning it with water is the only way to bypass a hospital visit haha.

Oh and Arby, if you're about... Yes i've been keeping upto date with you're mental tweets about FF lol i'm waiting in the wings with the "GF topic" for when you least expect it lol

Stay well you lot.

