The crime was almost to perfect except one small flaw!

Well I'm happy to hear criminals are getting dumber, makes it easier to catch them, too bad the sentance was a joke, they should be made to pay for all the repairs
McIcy said:
Well I'm happy to hear criminals are getting dumber, makes it easier to catch them, too bad the sentance was a joke, they should be made to pay for all the repairs

The dole can only stretch so far, before it buckles under the tensile strength that are hallucinagens and better-buy booze. :lol:
Thats DISGUSTING in so many ways... i dont know where to begin to express my disapointment in human kind... do i start with the fact people are capable of destroying a place for unprevlidged children or the fact that they were stupid enough to write there own name on the wall or the fact that they were probably all wearing adidas!
We can only hope that they haven't already started spreading their genes among the chavette populace, we don't need any more thats for sure.

Gotta love the "iz gay" it really is a classic, certainly not used enough thats for sure....