The Condemned


The Condemned - A cross between Manhunt (PS2 Game) and Battle Royale staring Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vinny Jones.

The Trailer looks good to me, its been a while since we've had a decent violent action film, I'm hoping this fills the void.


An adrenalin-charged action thriller, “The Condemnedâ€
I don't knwo I like the Rocks movies, so I am gonna give Austin a try besides it doesn't look like there will be much acting needed just violence
pomtry said:
omg :shock: It must be a non stop violence movie cant wait to see it :D

Yeah it seems like years since we've had a pointless violence film, hollywood have been concentrating on the Heroes and Horrors genres with stuff like spiderman and saw movies
I havent realy taken an intrest in ghost rider Ive heard about it for a while now so It doesnt seem like something special. But if I do see it, it better have a lot of violence :twisted:
pomtry said:
I havent realy taken an intrest in ghost rider Ive heard about it for a while now so It doesnt seem like something special. But if I do see it, it better have a lot of violence :twisted:

Devils bounty hunter up against the devils son, there better be some demonic skull cracking
Ryo Chan said:
and how did the last movie with a WWE superstar go? *coughthe marine and doomcough*

think that's nuff said
Not really.

See No Evil came out after got panned by critics but made a VERY decent profit.

The Scorpion King obviously did well too, considering it's on TV every couple of months.

The Marine is the 17th top seller on PlayUSA, so people are obviously buying it.

Apparently The Longest Yard (with Austin, Goldberg, Kevin Nash and The Great Khali in prominent roles) is the highest grossing comedy remake of the modern box office era (according to ... remake.htm)

I see no reason why The Condemned couldn't do well too.
Don't forget The Rock in Welcome to the Jungle, I liked him in a comedy and The Longest Yard is a good comedy movie, it made me smile although that was more from Chris Rock.
Aaron said:
I like Welcome To The Jungle...Walking Tall too.

WT was nothing original but it was a nice bit of mindless violence. :)

Wasn't to sure about Walking Tall it just didn't click with me although it was cool that it was based on a true story