The Bourne Ultimatum: action movie of the year?


Death Scythe
Y'know when you have such high expectations of a film that you are almost guaranteed to be disappointed? This wasn't one of them. Seriously, it's the movie of the year so far for me.

If you haven't seen the Bourne Identity or Supremacy (in that order), you won't get the full effect from this one: there are a couple of characters from the previous films (namely Julia Stiles and Joan Allen, both of whom were excellent), who have important parts to play in Matt damon's search for his true identity. I was pleased to hear that they retained John Powell's excellent music score too.

It's a superb action-thriller with car chases, gun fights, explosions and so on but what sets it apart from similar films is that use of hand-held cameras, which draw you into the thick of the action. I was also impressed at Damon's performance - ignoring the parodying in Team America, he's a guy who is able to think on his feet and outwit his opponents as well as beat the living daylights out them. Not your average trigger-happy action hero.

In terms of storyline, it wraps things up nicely but leaves some details open to allow for the possibility of a fourth film. Taken as a trilogy though, this is one of my all-time faves already. That 8.6/10 IMDB rating is richly deserved.
Am hoping to see this this weekend depending on how busy I am with cleaning up after my houseparty.

Cheers for the review its made me wanna see it even more now