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i think for me the best games r:

Ps1: Klonoa

Ps1: Grandia

Ps1: Final Fantasy 8

Ps2: Soul Calibur 2 and 3

All Dead or alive!

ps2: Grandia 2

GC: Super smash bros melee

Nintendo: Legend of zelda (the 1st one)

Sega Saturn: Parodius

N64: Diddy kong racing

Snes: Street fighter

Snes: Ranma 1/2

GC: Zelda : the wind waker

Snes: Mario All stars

Snes: Yoshi's Island

ps2: Kindom Hearts

ps2: Final Fantasy X-2

Sega Saturn: Sonic jam

Gameboy: Pokemon Blue

Gameboy Sp: Pokemon Emerald

Nintendo: Kickel

Ps2: GTA: San Andreas

Ok alot of old games i love but still these r all in my opinon TThe best games to me!
