Terry Pratchett's Hogfather inc. 1st Thoughts


Terry Pratchett's Hogfather - Sky One

Sun 17 Dec, 8.05pm
Mon 18 Dec, 8pm

Pratchett's massively popular fantasy fiction books have always seemed too wildly imaginative to be filmed, but advances in special effects have brought Discworld within reach. Pratchett himself is delighted with Sky One's approach to The Hogfather, especially with Sir David Jason playing Albert and Ian Richardson as the voice of Death.

Lavishly produced at a cost of around £6million, the story revolves around the Hogfather, the creature responsible for delivering presents to the world's children during the winter festival of Hogswatch. But this particular year the Hogfather is nowhere to be found. And if the children's presents aren't delivered, the sun won't rise in the morning. And then where will we be?

Luckily help is at hand in the form of Death. Yes, Death. Death is going to don a festive beard, and aided by his trusty manservant, Albert (Jason) he mounts his pig-driven sleigh and sets about getting down the chimneys of all the expectant boys and girls. It's not a role that comes easily to Death, which makes it all the more amusing.

It's a wonderful, original story, beautifully told, full of Pratchett charm and humour. It's a real treat, a different kind of Christmas tale. A seasonal spectacular that will thrill adults and children alike.

For those Pratchett fans out there this looks like its going to be amazing, £6million budget and some amazing casting, Jason is a brilliant choice for Albert, I am really looking forward to this.

Best of all by my calculations I will be at home that evening and not working nights so I will have a beer and snacks and settle in for a hopefully memorable experience.

This is a truely special Christmas Present from Sky
Links? Is this animated? Some of pratchetts stuff has been animated in the past. Or is it a hybrid of CG/Live Action?

Hogfather was a good book. Be interesting to see a movie of it.

And in the spirit of Hogswatch:

Laughing Manji said:
Links? Is this animated? Some of pratchetts stuff has been animated in the past. Or is it a hybrid of CG/Live Action?

Hogfather was a good book. Be interesting to see a movie of it.

And in the spirit of Hogswatch:


Its a cross between live action and CG, for once this isn't an animated venture like Soul Music was.

Wish I could supply a trailer have looked all over but no sign of one online, have seen the Sky trailer on tv and Death looks brilliant
Watched this Sunday and will be watching again tonight and I love it.

DEATH is bang on as well as Albert

The Auditors voices are exactly the way I imagined in my mind especially the voice(s) - although theres always meant to be 3 of them and in the first scene theres only 1 and then later theres 4 so thats a little out.

Susan really is amazing, especially when she goes 'death' on the bogey man, her voices goes deep and gravely and the part of her face in the shadow turns into a skull BRILLIANT

Nobby Nobbs was great well voiced and Deaths speach to him was exatly how it appeared in the book (downside is Nobby isn't as boil covered and weird as I'd have hoped for)

Mr TeaTime is very creepy but I don't like the voice

Arch Chancellor Ridcully is just as bone idle as he is in the book too which works well for me.

I really hope the Librarian turns up in tonights episode as he is something I'd really enjoy seeing.

Will be buying this on DVD
I really enjoyed Hogfather, even though I haven't read the book (I've read other Terry Pratchett books though)
I quite liked Mr. Teatime's voice, it added to his strange character.
I also wanted the Librarian to show up, but unfortunately he didn't :cry:
But I think that the whole thing was very well done and I hope that more Terry Pratchett books are adapted to the screen soon.
i never got to see this when it was shown, mostly because of work, so i did get it recorded so i shall be watching it all through tonight maybe since i have the day off. Looking forward to it.
random_pie said:
I really enjoyed Hogfather, even though I haven't read the book (I've read other Terry Pratchett books though)
I quite liked Mr. Teatime's voice, it added to his strange character.
I also wanted the Librarian to show up, but unfortunately he didn't :cry:
But I think that the whole thing was very well done and I hope that more Terry Pratchett books are adapted to the screen soon.

Dude please go read the book its one of the best ones and has more fun with the wizards in it. And the Raven and the Death of Rats have a bigger and more comical part too.

hopeful_monster said:
Wonder if the Wee Free Men movie will be good.

Should be if its done the same way as this film and they get the cast just as bang on.

I was really disappointed we didn't get to see the librarian as it would have explained better how the wizards found a fireplace with a stocking pre-hung over it.
hopeful_monster said:
random_pie said:
When is Wee Free Men scheduled to be released?
No idea, all that's known is Sam Ramii will be the director, and he has been in discussion with Prachett about it.

Still in contractual talks at the moment, so I wouldn't expect to see it before 2008