Tenchi Muyo! Returns with 4th Ryo-Ohki! OVA Series


Quintessential Grav
AUKN Staff

The world of Tenchi Muyo! has returned once again with the announcement of a fourth instalment in the Ryo-Ohki! series. The new series was announced today on both Twitter and its website.

The main cast returning from Ai: Tenchi Muyo! includes:
- Masami Kikuchi as Tenchi Masaki
- Ai Orikasa as Ryōko
- Haruhi Nanao as Aeka
Other characters from the main Ryo-Ohki! series will also return.

Tenchi Muyo! has spawned numerous seasons and shows, most of which have been released in the United States by Funimation and a couple have been released here in the United Kingdom a long time ago by various distributors themselves. The franchise also has various timelines which connect certain shows together:
- Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi Universe -> Tenchi Muyo! In Love -> Tenchi Muyo! In Love 2
- Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki! OVA 1 -> Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki! OVA 2 -> Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki! OVA 3 -> Tenchi Muyo! GXP
- Tenchi Muyo! The Daughter of Darkness
- Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi in Tokyo
- Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar
- Ai! Tenchi Muyo!

Tenchi Muyo! Films, the first two Ryo-Ohki! OVAs and the spin-off War on Geminar are available on Blu-ray/DVD combo pack while the rest of the series (minus Ai! Tenchi Muyo!) are available on DVD from Funimation. The franchise is currently either unlicensed or out of print here in the UK.
I watched Tenchi back in the day on Toonami, but I never really kept up. Last one I watched was Tenchi in Tokyo. I should watch the remaining Ryo-Ohki OVAs one day.

I always preferred El-Hazard anyway :p
Ryōko was the first character I truly liked & it was thanks to the Ryo-Ohki! series. I remember getting my first ever romance issue in Anime while watching..as I liked Ryōko so much, seeing the other princess girl fighting for Tenchi's affections irritated me insanely so ..

Looking forward to this. Looks like I've gotta watch Tenchi Muyo! GXP too, never realized it was a sequel.
Dannielle said:
Looking forward to this. Looks like I've gotta watch Tenchi Muyo! GXP too, never realized it was a sequel.

It's a spin-off of sorts but it's in the same continuity if you get what I mean. The same goes for War on Geminar which is set 10 years after GXP but it's completely different so I decided to separate it from the others.
NormanicGrav said:
Dannielle said:
Looking forward to this. Looks like I've gotta watch Tenchi Muyo! GXP too, never realized it was a sequel.

It's a spin-off of sorts but it's in the same continuity if you get what I mean. The same goes for War on Geminar which is set 10 years after GXP but it's completely different so I decided to separate it from the others.

Hmm, the more you know! Thanks for the info :thumb:
Aw hell naw.

Third was a compelte waste of time for all concerned (and really took a big ol dump on some of the cannon's nicer things, Tenchi's Mum and Katago coming from freaking nowhere) and wouldn't be worth it even for the Game of Death Parody.
I've kind of run out of steam following the Tenchi series but if they can somehow recapture the charm of the earlier outings I could be tempted back. I didn't even bother watching anything after the third OAV series as it all went in a weird direction.

I think GXP is the only Tenchi I've seen, which is probably a bit of an odd one to pick. It was decent though and I would kind of like to see more Tenchi at some point. It might end up being one of those shows that's always on the list but never quite at the top though, with so many other things to get to.