Tekkonkinkreet - Would you recommend it?


Stand User
Even though the anime style is very strange, but the trailer on Virgin Megastore site is making me interested even more.

I might have some leftover money at the new year, and I'm going to ask... Would you recommend this to me?

Many thanks =D
I recommend Tekkonkinkreet absolutely! It's fantastic, the art the amazing, great dub, great (if sparsely used) music. The film is overall very accomplished, and always entertaining! I say go for it! ;]
Yep agreeing with Citizengeek here, the movie is really fantastic and in my opinion just shades anime movie of the year, Stunning art direction, amazing music, really great characters and some amazing stand out moments.
Yep, definitely my best anime movie of the year for 2007 - it easily beats Paprika (and Paprika is amazing, so that says something about Tekkonkinkreet!).

Visually I thought it was fantastic and I absolutely loved the style and animation. The movie itself was ok I guess, I wasn't all that impressed with anything else apart from the look. Eye candy to me and not much else really.
Sure the visuals were great but theres a lot more to it than that.
I thought some of the moments and feelings between the two characters were really well done and their relationship in general was very well portrayed, sure its nothing taxing on the mind, but its still great.
Sy said:
Visually I thought it was fantastic and I absolutely loved the style and animation. The movie itself was ok I guess, I wasn't all that impressed with anything else apart from the look. Eye candy to me and not much else really.

I have to disagree. The story of Tekkonkinreet was very enjoyable, very clever (especially at the end) and the relationship between Black and White was very well portrayed. Sure, the visuals are awesome, but there definitely is a lot more to Tekkonkinkreet, methinks!
So, where the **** can I buy it? I've looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find it, at all. Best I found was "The art of Tekkonkinkreet" in some animu store, or is it only sold on the internet? >_>
Lupus Inu said:
So, where the **** can I buy it? I've looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find it, at all. Best I found was "The art of Tekkonkinkreet" in some animu store, or is it only sold on the internet? >_>

Don't you buy anime from the internets?
CitizenGeek said:
Don't you buy anime from the internets?

No, I prefer to actually go to stores and pay full price for DVDs, than be one of the cool kids and buy online, I only buy online if I can't get what I want anywhere else, like I did Zone of the Enders: 2.