Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles

Loved all three ninja turtles films, this one looks good. Has anyone see n what they have done with the new cartoon series, sent them to the future with
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Flash forward"
Ah man I con't believe I've missed this trailer, MUST SEE, MUST SEE, MUST SEE this movie. loved the comedy bit at the end made me laugh out loud, slapstick style humour is always the best.... plus I really like the first set of Turtles movies
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Animatronics will always be better than CGI.

Agreed, the original movies were brilliant because of the live action, and the animatronic facial expressionsmade it more believable than cg could accomplish, however with that said, they can do a lot more with cg. In the end it will come to the quality of the cg production and they hopefully won't get it wrong like the fight scenes in Blade 2
The sad thing about this, is that Mako, the voice actor who gave us such wonderful chracters as Aku (Samurai Jack) and Inroh (Avatar) was set to voice Splinter.

Unfotunately, he passed away Saturday.
That reminds me that i saw a trailer for this at the cinema the other day, most probably the same full length one.
I was a big fan of TMNT when i was younger, but i can't decide if i want to see this film or not, i'm quite disenchanted with CGI movies, and the turtles look slightly strange to me
Fond memories...

Though having said that, even when I was in Junior school I hated the films so the only way is up as far as I'm concerned.
Apparently this film will definately be going back to its darker, edgier comic book roots so it won't be as upbeat and cheery as the last set of movies. Although I hope Casey Jones turns up as I love that psycho

Also, there is a game due out on ALL consoles in 2007 to compliment the film, and yes you can play as any of the four turtles, and hopefully will have a co-op mode so all your mates can crowd around and take a turtle each.
WOW! How did I not see this trailer before?
I loved the original films, and this one looks good, but I don't think that it would be that successful.
It's been a while since they made the last film, a lot of the audience that watched the original films have probably grown out of TMNT.
Though a new generation could watch this and start the TMNT trend again... I can dream :D
I actually only just watched the trailer a few moments ago (at time of writing) and I don't like the look of it one iota.

The art direction doesn't look very good as far as I'm concerned.

I'll think I'll pass on this one in terms of watching it at the cinema and perhaps - perhaps being the keyword - rent it on DVD when its released.

Though I will reserve judgement for the time being (I just didn't like that trailer at all).