"Manga lovers rejoice! A never-seen-before approach to manga made its debut on the Mainichi Daily News on Monday, July 3, 2006. Manglish takes some of Japan's hottest young manga talents -- showcased in the Mainichi's MangaTown site -- and places their creations on the MDN in their original Japanese format. But, by simply dragging a cursor over the top of the manga, it’s also possible to read them in English." [<a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/viewpress.php?showarticle=107">Full press release</a>]
Manglish can be accessed by <a href="http://mdn.mainichi-msn.co.jp/entertainment/etc/manglish/index.html ">clicking here</a>.
Manglish can be accessed by <a href="http://mdn.mainichi-msn.co.jp/entertainment/etc/manglish/index.html ">clicking here</a>.