Stream first episode of Coyote Ragtime Show for free on IGN

ADV are planning to release this in April with preorders (presumably from their online shop) shipping in March according to their latest newsletter.

--Edit. I watched this last night and was quite impressed with it. I can see why people have favourably compared this to Cowboy Beebop. I just hope that people judge it on its own merits and don't give up on it due to being alike to but not quite as good as Cowboy Beebop.
wow, I really liked this show and I thought the first episode was enough to make me look into watching the rest of the series

I can see the Cowboy Beebop references that can be easilly made but I still really like the style and pace of Coyote and it has enough originallity (for me) to make it a unique experience

thanks alot for introducing me to it ^^
This might seem like a weird question but is there any OTT fan service in it? I don't want to watch it on a family computer and have my sister scared away from "the Japanese cartoons" forever. I'm still trying to get her to watch Spirited Away!
hey Epsy, no there isn't any OTT fan service, there is a little, but thats it.

Although when Angelica (the inspector) says, 'the twelve sisters' I did feel 'Oh right, here we go then..' but it was refreshingly bareable and pretty cool when they start killing everything.

well I'm not sure how other people rate fanservice in anime but I rate it pretty low in this one
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