Started a new comic blog...


Yeah, it's probably not gonna last that long but it's a nice idea and i'm gonna try and keep it up. It's hopefully going to be a blog filled with all the little doodled comics I do when i'm bored at college or indeed other times of boredom. Whenever they occur or one a week is the plan.

Here is a link.

I'll probably pimp it up sometime. Ya.
I started a LiveJournal blog recently.

Of course not all drawings. Just some things i have done or good anime news etc.

As for you're first doodle. . . .i don't get it.

. . . . . .

oh i get it now. . . .tis mildly entertaining.

EDIT: Scrap that LJ shizzle, I now have a Blogspot.

Impenetrable Randomness
It's a comic series with no jokes or punchlines, things just happen or nothing at all happens in 3 frames. Nothing at all happening in a comic amuses me.
Outlawstar said:
Theres something about this I really like.
Cant put my finger on it.
I suppose comics with nothing much going on amuse me too:)

I know what you mean you just like it but can't figure out what spefically keeps you reading