Stargate fans rejoice, Stargate unviverse 6/10/09

Ryo Chan

New start gate series is comming to a Sky 1 channel near you, and within 4 days of the US releases

i love when we don't have to wait months for a series
Tis good to hear, though i will wonder how it plays. Robert Carlyle is in this is he not? I'm sure it was him that got a mention for this anyway. Hopefully Virgin Media will get installed in the flat by monday anyway so i should get Sky1 with it.
This is on my must-watch list of fall TV, and I'm very happy with how Sky1 is handling the show thus far. Never watched a Stargate series prior to this, but that shouldn't be a problem says the two developer guys whose names I forget.

I like the nerdy guy and hope the shaky-cam is justified.
Noooo, don't use itunes, buy it on DVD! Don't support itunes; they seek to replace actual hard copies you buy in shops with downloads, which is why you don't see CD singles about in many places anymore, especially not most supermarkets, whereas four years ago most of them still sold CD singles.

Death to itunes. :)
I'll give SGU a chance despite what happened to SG-1 and Atlantis. In both previous series the last two seasons were just unwatchable...and for Atlantis I did actually only see edited highlights from someone who basically scanned the last season for the 6/7 good episodes.

I just hope it doesn't devolve into the SGA revolving door cast, or manage to create a villain quite as dull as the Ori
So i watched the two episode season premiere moments ago and i will say i'm impressed...and can easily see why people can watch it without prior knowledge to stargate. Compared to the two previous series, this is completely different, at least in the starting two episodes, its stargate..but its not too.
I won't really say much at the moment, mainly cause i'm still processing it all, but i'd give it a watch regardless of if you've seen Stargate or not. My only warning to those that have, don't expect any of the comical style moments you get with the likes of O'neil and such, because it feels like it has a more mature theme to it(despite being Tv14 in the US)

No I am serious and here is a series comparison between the 2 series to backup my claim

Stargate the Movie - Star Trek (original Shatner series)
Stargate SG1 is Star Trek The Next Generation
Stargate Atlantis is Star Trek DS9
Stargate Universe is Star Trek Voyager

So next we should expect a prequel version of when the Stargate is first installed on Earth and we defeat the Go'ould (sp?) back in the time of Egyptions and set up in the style of Star Trek Enterprise, maybe call it Stargate Excavasion
McIcy said:

No I am serious and here is a series comparison between the 2 series to backup my claim

Stargate the Movie - Star Trek (original Shatner series)
Stargate SG1 is Star Trek The Next Generation
Stargate Atlantis is Star Trek DS9
Stargate Universe is Star Trek Voyager

So next we should expect a prequel version of when the Stargate is first installed on Earth and we defeat the Go'ould (sp?) back in the time of Egyptions and set up in the style of Star Trek Enterprise, maybe call it Stargate Excavasion

I'd watch Stargate Excavation! If they haven't thought of it already your post could be the very post that starts the idea :p

They probably thought of it a while ago though so I wonder why they haven't done it. There must be a reason
Gah, this totaly went under my radar. It's now setup on series link... all I have to do is find copies of the first two episodes. :twisted:

Ryo Chan said:
ah but SG1 has o'neil, nothing will be better
There can be no only one. *salutes*
good start (watched by downloading eps of itunes)

cool to see some of SG-1 make cameo's too, I like Robert Carlyle's characther and the young guy Eli too, hopefully the show will be aces throughout, I loved SG-1 and liked Atlantis