Stan Lee / Bones' Heroman to premiere in April


The Boss
Stan Lee & Studio Bones' Heroman anime will premiere in April, according to <a href="">Square-Enix</a> website.

Heroman follow Joey, an american kid who discover a robot toy that transforms into a giant robot called Heroman, which Joey uses to fight evil.

<a href="">From ANN</a>
I can't imagine The Man's involvement in this to be heavy. He probably wrote a treatment and gave it to Bones, and therefore, I think it could be pretty awesome. No doubt it'll max out on the Engrish. And, you know, Small Soldiers was pretty awesome.
Gus is legendary on that show. I've seen about four episodes in the past six years or so due to horrendous scheduling. I swear, even when new, it didn't air till 2AM. It also came at a time when Foster's Home was just beginning, with all its "animated in Flash"-ness, so I probably opted to watch that instead.

I want a Foster's anime.
Ryo Chan said:
or, you could turn on Cartoon Network and watch the show they stole the idea from

we call it robot boy
Robot Boy done right you say?!

Sign me the hell up!

Seriously, if you want to talk about Robot Boy and stealing, try just about every robot series ever. Megaman, Astro Boy, hell they only avoided ripping off the transformers because the highest tier of Humour was a guy getting pissed on by a dog.
Seriously, Robot Boy is awful and only exists as a means of gumming up CN with more crap. Banzai announcer voice guy be damned.