Square Enix announce Chaos Rings for iPhone/iPod touch


Completely Average High School Student
Square Enix are releasing an exclusive JRPG for the iPhone/iPod touch. I'll attempt to embed the trailer here:

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vuiXjmhZ4-8&hl=en_GB&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vuiXjmhZ4-8&hl=en_GB&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

There's more info on the SE Facebook page:
http://www.facebook.com/notes/square-en ... 9199831300

Here's a summary from 1UP:

"Chaos Rings is set around a battle tournament, Arca Areina, where five two-person teams must fight each other to the death. You control each team in their own separate storyline, all of which tie together at the end. None of the people involved know why they're here or what they're fighting for -- all they know is that a shadowy "spokesman" has summoned them, and that if they win, their prize will be eternal life. "
I read about this on the IGN app earlier and that trailer looks interesting enough. Assuming they aren't charging extortionate prices for it - I'll be getting it.
Copypasta of my first impressions (quite lolsome that they're actually charging more for FFI&II):

Played through the first scenario with the first pair. Seems pretty decent, never mind the fact that it costs £7.50 and runs on a phone. Certainly seems like there is a fair bit of playtime required to complete it, too.

Battles seem fairly simple, with the added wrinkle that each turn you can choose to have your characters act alone or as a pair - you get big bonuses to any actions you take in pair mode, but any enemy attacks on their turn hit both of your characters instead of one.

Your magic attacks all come from learning enemy skills - you receive an enemy "gene plate" after you defeat them, and you can equip these to be able to use the relevant skills. Could lead to a pretty wide choice of set-ups later on.

Very simple three-way elemental system that determines where attacks do more or less damage, and you have enemy skills that can imbue your physical attacks with elemental properties.

The map is a slight oddity - multiple warp crystals link separate rooms, and working out which way to go to get to the room you need to be in could end up being half the challenge.

Some of the rooms on the map are puzzle rooms. Quite literally little puzzle minigames that involve you switching places with warp squares and crystals in order to collect all the crystals in a certain number of moves. Could be entertaining enough.

"Quite a lot" of random battles whilst running around the map - although after a certain amount of time I was given the option to switch them off, don't know if that's a "certain amount of time on each map", or if that option will always be there now.

Really like the music and character designs. Story is a fairly generic set-up, but we'll see how it goes.

Nice touch in that you can have the game in either Japanese or English. No voice acting, of course.
It was late in the evening, he was feeeling needy, but it I'm only worried for the fact that he wanted me to call him... =P
Played for about twenty minutes after finally getting it because I found my iTunes gift cards. Quite intrigued thus far.