Spirited Away showing at the Edible Cinema


Writer Class Servant
AUKN Staff
Just seen in Short List magazine today, Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away will be showing at the Edible Cinema in Aubin Cinema, London on August 25 - 26.

Those who attend the unusual screening will "receives a series of numbered food packages to consume at specific points during the film along with a Bombay Sapphire cocktail inspired by the film. The smell, texture, even the way your mouth feels after eating the contents of the packages will correspond to what’s happening onscreen & heighten your sensory experience."

Sounds interesting! Too bad I can't go but if you want more details and to book, go here; http://www.aubincinema.com/Movie/363
The audience receives a series of numbered food packages to consume at specific points during the film along with a Bombay Sapphire cocktail inspired by the film.
The smell, texture, even the way your mouth feels after eating the contents of the packages will correspond to what’s happening onscreen & heighten your sensory experience.
That sounds really cool, let's read on...

The film is Studio Ghibli’s weird and wonderful 'Spirited Away'. Imagine eating foaming tapioca 'soap' powder as Sen bathes a filthy river spirit at the bathhouse onscreen. Or when bathhouse worker Lin eats a roasted newt you’re also eating the strangest sweet-savoury crunchy treat you've ever tasted.

But no, seriously, that sounds awesome, and I love Sen to Chihiro. Goddam London.