Speed Racer


Ghost of Animes
Just curious really, anyone seen Speed Racer yet? What do you think? I've not seen it, but the reviews I've read have been less than complimentary. Then again, it's not like the mainstream press has ever understood anime, right?
I have no interest whatsover seeing it personally seeing as it was a naff TV series to begin with and the trailers didn't exactly blow my mind. I guess the kids will like it but other than that I can't see why many people would be interested.
Damn it Paul, I was going to make this topic.

I want to see it badly, looks amazing, and the CGI kept it nice and cartoony and didn't give it some form of realism, and the reviews are giving it all the negative critique for the WRONG reasons. "Too cheesy, unrealistic, etc." It's based on a 60s television show, of course it's going to be like that. Everyone who isn't a harsh critique though has said they LOVED it.
To be honest, I really like it's visual aesthetic, but that's obviously a sticking point for a lot of people. Forgetting that, I've always liked the Wachowski brothers. Putting aside their philosophical pretensions for a moment, I really liked The Matrix trilogy and V For Vendetta. I'm hoping for Speed Racer to be entertaining, but any more than that will be a bonus. Just looking at it, I can see why so many people aren't digging it, but seems like most aren't willing to view the film on its own terms (in the sense that some snooty reviewers might be stupid enough to be slamming the visual style as, say, unrealistic).
I'm really looking forward to it, I keep bringing it up in my household and my mother keeps slammin' it saying it got bad reviews. Apart from most of the reviewers (ANN's one, wasn't bad.) Anime fans in general are keeping a positive attitude towards it from what I've seen.

I think people are mostly getting annoying because they are going in for a film with a load of psycho-babble and getting a film made for the fun of it purely because the Wachowski's genuinely are fans.

Only a oxymoron can sum up my pre-viewing feeling for it: Looks bad, but great!
I'd only watch it at the IMAX, it's the kind of film that NEEDS a screening like that.

Good thing they're showing it there, I think I'll plan to go see it soonish.
Lin said:
I'd only watch it at the IMAX, it's the kind of film that NEEDS a screening like that.

Good thing they're showing it there, I think I'll plan to go see it soonish.

mm, sounds interesting.. will try and go tomorrow then, as I work close to the waterloo east iMax (unsure if there is any other...)
I was ABOUT to go see at the IMAX, until I saw that it wasn't 3D, just really big.

Big Speed Racer? No thanks, the whole point of the IMAX is to be 3D and it bloody wasn't. Forget that!
Speed racer movie

Just watched it twice in the IMax and it blew my mind both times! It's a shame it tanked at the box office.

Isn't there anyone on here who actually watched it?
Tetsuuoooo xD ok, sorry, couldn't resist...
and Yeah, I watched and loved it =) is it something related to Akira's fans???
chaos said:
Tetsuuoooo xD ok, sorry, couldn't resist...
and Yeah, I watched and loved it =) is it something related to Akira's fans???



What? Speed Racer or my avantar?
Tetsuo_100X said:
chaos said:
Tetsuuoooo xD ok, sorry, couldn't resist...
and Yeah, I watched and loved it =) is it something related to Akira's fans???



What? Speed Racer or my avantar?
I mean, people with Akira avatars love Speed racer. Did you see the anime? I did, so I think I liked the movie because I knew what was coming was not supposed to be taken seriously at all. Akira was also an old anime that got a few people our age hooked, so maybe there is a relation to all of this...
I've got news for you - I really liked it, and I tend to have the worst attention-span ever when it comes to films. ^^

The trailer for it is really boring, but it is actually very good.