>>Xel<< said:
I'm actually hoping that Tekken 6 (whenever that is coming out) will pick up the pace and actually deliver something new and well deserved XD
you better keep hoping, because Tekken 6 looks to be another failure of a fighting game.... had a go on it at the arcades and........'meh'...its the same thing with some new characters, improved graphics, and for some reason, i felt that there was more chances to do juggling (which is an anoyance). it goes to the extent that if you get thit whilst flat on the floor the opponent has a chance to continue their combo on you which is very unfair and unrealistic...even by tekken standards......and the BOSS... OMG ...i dont know what to say.... just look at the following video of the boss in Tekken 6...
and sorry if i keep comming across as some kind of a hater or something else of the kind, but i just hate the upcomming fightings games these days, nothing new just the same old same old, with nothing different to the series. and i can understand to an extent that it is hard to make a fighting game different but like i said earlier, D.O.A2 is the best example.
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