Sonic The Hedgehog - 360 version


Right I never got round to playing this until about 2 weeks ago because everyone said it was awful and oh dear....

I don't think I've played a worse game in my entire life. I played it for half an hour and it felt like my soul was eroding. It made me want to **** out of my eyes and that hurts! My friend informed me he got it for free so at least he didn't pay for it!

Lets start on the bad points
Let me see - the awful story line, eggman's human like appearance, silver (bad idea from the start), awful controls especially on that level where you keep going foward and get stuck on random objects, recycled sonic adventure sounds and functions, hideous loading times

Good points
I'll never have to play it again

Seriously just stay away from this don't even play it if like me you thought "lets see how bad this is, just for fun". It doesn't even fall into the "so bad its funny category" like Big Rigs. Oh if you don't know what big rigs is just look in wikipedia and youtube and all will be explained

I just wanted to share this as this is one of the worst games I have ever played! Maybe that comes from the fact that its being compared to the rest of what was a great franchise and that I am usually quite good at picking good games to play but this game really did suck big time
See this is why Sonic should never be allowed to be put in a 3D game ever again, and i thought Shadow the Hedgehog was a bad enough game. I wonder how come Mario was able to translate to 3D better
BlackWolf said:
See this is why Sonic should never be allowed to be put in a 3D game ever again, and i thought Shadow the Hedgehog was a bad enough game. I wonder how come Mario was able to translate to 3D better

Mario was a platform game, Sonic was a speed dash. So Speed Dash in 3D is awkward, Platform in 3D is just awesome. I played Sonic on 360 and thought it was average. I guess cause im a huge Sonic fan though. Didnt feel very fast. Still I liked the Shadow game :lol:
first impressions of this game have to be the worst
everybody seems to hate it

the load times really let it down but if you ignore it and get used to the controls there is a lot of fun to be had

its like the old games in that you die a lot for no reason,
and like the old games you have to remember what to do, to do it right

my first impressions of this game was probably worst than yours
my advice is read the guide on gamefaqs and watch this guys vid's
Spyro201 said:
Still, you shouldnt REALLY have to do that to play a game :lol: Ah well. Lets just use him on SSBB :) :)

And in mario and sonic at the olympics both Wii and DS versions :p and to think it only took 16-17 years till a game came out featuring the two of them, then two come out at (roughly) the same time
If it plays like Mario Strikers then i won't mind :p though to think of it how could Mario ever hope to beat Sonic in the running events? One's a fat plumber the other is the fastest thing alive
This game is bad.

It's a broken game...full of glitches and cutscenes that make me feel weird (human <3 hedgehog...ew). Dying because you suck is fine. Dying because you run into something where the camera can't see, or getting flung off an edge when you run into it is CRAP.

But I still keep trying to play it. I kinda enjoy the pain. :)
oh don't get me wrong I'm a huge sonic fan but I absolutely hated this game - it was absolutely awful - I know where you're coming from Gekko Go but although what you said about old games is true (I own a lot of them) the old ones where still fun to play and no matter how many times I died I felt determined to continue!

I think the point where I lost it with this game was the blatant rip-off of emerald coast in sonic adventure with the whale chasing from exactly the same perspective!

With this I had no such experience - I say lets reopen the landfill and let Sonic The Hegdehog join ET

Although some people may disagree with me I loved both Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 and believe Sonic Adventure 3 should be next in the series! I still haven't played Secret Rings though!
Churchy99 said:
I still haven't played Secret Rings though!

Its better but not by much, i got it pretty much the day it came out and i enjoyed it at first but its nothing compared to the gems of the series (Sonic 3 + Knuckles and in my opinion, Sonic CD)

Aaron said:
But I still keep trying to play it. I kinda enjoy the pain.

That's why i play the Devil May Cry games (barring number 2) and the original ghouls and ghosts :lol:
Yeah, I think SA and (moreso) SA2 are much better too. I couldn't get into Secret Rings too much...mainly because of the controls.

My favourite ever is Sonic 3. Just FYI and stuff.
Sonic Team basically ruins the game that they made it awesome in the first place. From what I've heard, most of the people who actually created the Megadrive games left ages ago.

So they entrusting sonic games into the hand of morons.

Mind you, Sega did say that they going to fully research sonic, and made him awesome as he once were 16 years ago.

Just get rid of the cheesy lines and his cocky attitude, and we may like sonic once again.
I can't help but get the feeling frin all these Sonic/Mario crossovers that Nintendo are giving SEGA some advice on where to take Sonic... Just a feeling, no proof. But it does seem like Sonic and Nintendo are getting very palsy.
Chrono Mizaki said:
Just get rid of the cheesy lines and his cocky attitude, and we may like sonic once again.

Actually i got the impression that sonic was like that even back in the days of the old megadrive games although having said that he choice of voice acting for the sonic characters does leave a lot to be desired.

Espy said:
I can't help but get the feeling frin all these Sonic/Mario crossovers that Nintendo are giving SEGA some advice on where to take Sonic... Just a feeling, no proof. But it does seem like Sonic and Nintendo are getting very palsy.

I don't know about that, but if that was the case then that would be a good thing in my opinion since several of Nintendo's franchises were fantastic in 3D (though it should be noted that some of them weren't done inhouse by Ninty and were outsourced to other developers, like the amazing Metroid Prime)

Though this talk of sonic is making me want to see more of the new Bioware Sonic RPG...