According to Anime-NI, manga inspired artwork drawn by Sweatdrop Studio's very own Sonia Leong will appear in the new British comedy "Popcorn", starring Jack Ryder from Eastenders. The movie is set to debut in UK cinemas March 2007 and images of Sonia's work can be found on the official website (under Gallery -> Manga).
Talking of movies that feature anime - Hollywood is on the case too. Ben Affleck's upcoming film "Smokin' Aces" is set to include clips from the hentai (pornographic) anime "Daiakuji". Whether or not this is a positive boost to the reputation of anime outside of Japan remains to be seen.
Talking of movies that feature anime - Hollywood is on the case too. Ben Affleck's upcoming film "Smokin' Aces" is set to include clips from the hentai (pornographic) anime "Daiakuji". Whether or not this is a positive boost to the reputation of anime outside of Japan remains to be seen.