Some general forum "rules"

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Ghost of Animes

If you've just signed up for these forums (or indeed are thinking about joining up), we would like to make you aware of a few basic forum rules.

1. We don't approve of images in signatures. This is for several reasons, including; they make the pages slow to load for 56k modem users and deform the site layout, often making threads look cluttered and hard to follow (especially for users with low screen resolutions). I'm sure you can find other ways of aserting your identity on the forums! ;)

2. While we welcome discussion on the latest anime and manga (licensed, fansubbed or scanned- it doesn't matter), we would rather you didn't discuss methods of downloading this stuff, the buying of bootlegs or suggesting other locations to do so. Topics like these could possibly land Anime UK News in a lot of unwanted bother and as such, any threads breaking the above rules will either be edited, closed or at worst, simply deleted.

Thanks for reading and I hope you understand! :) If you have any comments, complaints or worries about this place, don't hesistate to drop me a private message or e-mail.
Forum Rules


To clear up some potential ambiguity in individual interpretations of forum etiquette, this post is to advise members that personal attacks via the forum will not be tolerated.

To give an example, this is how you work out whether something is a personal attack.

"It's annoying when people do [annoying thing]." is fine - nobody here was personally singled out.

"Rui's a stupid n00b!" is not fine, because it is personal and obvious bait for an attack. There is a high chance that once things get confrontational like this, it will drag whichever thread it's in into a battleground. Nicknames, references, quoting - anything which pins the negative attack to a particular individual is making it personal.

If you have a grievance with a particular member, please direct your emotions to their private message box and resolve it between you. If you do not feel this will help then it is best to ignore that member's posts.

Personal attacks will be deleted so there is little point spending time making them. Repeated disregard for the rule will lead to further action.

Creating alternate user accounts to attack others is also unacceptable

Any problems with this rule drop me a PM. Likewise, if you have any problem with any individual member who you feel is being overly personal and confrontational towards you without being checked, please get in touch with the moderator team.


(Edited by Rui to remove a dodgy tag)
Offensive language

Offensive Language

There are some words and phrases which can be taken as highly offensive to some groups of people. Please take a moment to consider whether what you are about to post might make you sound as though you're trying to offend a particular culture. What may be acceptable between you and your friends may equally be unsuited to a public forum where people from many different walks of life come together to chat. This includes but is not limited to racial slang, religious insults, and derogatory terms for a person's sexual orientation.

We don't want to police every word, but there are some expressions which are simply not acceptable for use in this day and age.

If you wish to discuss this please send me a PM, or bring it up with the moderation team. Do not use offensive language on the forums to ask about why that offensive language is not allowed as your post will be deleted.



It goes without saying that if a user spams another's private message inbox with insulting or otherwise harmful messages, action will be taken against them. The moderation team will fully investigate any cases of prolonged harassment to make sure that complaints are legitimate.

If a user is found to continue to harass another in this way after a formal warning by private message, a forum ban is to be expected. Please treat other forum users with civility and use the private messaging system sensibly.

Mod Edited posts

If you find your post has been deleted or edited for any reason, instead of editing it or reposting it, please consult with a member of the forum staff first, any repeated disregard of this rule will likely result in action being taken
Trolling/Flaming/Inciting Flames

It is apparent that a formal definition of how the moderators and administrators of this site interpret trolling is required.

When a user posts messages for no reason other than to antagonise other users of the site, they are engaging in the antisocial type of forum use known as trolling.

Examples of the behaviours this rule covers can include among other things deliberately taking a topic/board off-topic with the intent to cause annoyance, provoking flames from other users, bullying other users, responding only to uninvitedly correct the grammar/spelling skills of others and "naming and shaming". Openly calling for on topic threads to be closed for no appropriate reason is trolling the creators and participants of the threads. Baiting fans of a particular series/system/topic by being unreasonably negative without justification can also be trolling, in certain situations.

Sustained trolling/flaming/inciting flames will result in a warning and warnings will lead to bans as per the usual process.

Spamming The Forums

To add to the previous rules, spamming the forums in general is also not allowed. Regular posters may post links to their websites, blogs, YouTube channels or other creative portals, but joining or using the forums for the purpose of promoting your own site will result in your posts being deleted and a warning being issued if necessary. Links to personal YouTube channels or websites should only be made in the Creative Arena forum category or where directly related to an ongoing discussion in another thread. If you're not sure whether promoting your site might be considered spamming, please send a message to a member of the moderation team for advice before posting.

We understand that promoting your own site/channel is an important way to increase visibility but please engage with the forum first before doing so as it's unlikely that members will check your content out if they don't know you - and check with the moderation team where it's appropriate to do so.

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