So I started to art.


Brigade Leader
So I am not the best at art but I want to get better.
I thought it would be fun to attempt to draw some pictures and I am actually impressed with my results.


I also had an attempt at drawing a humanoid for the first time in my life.

I agree, not bad for a starting point, you should continue! I remember one time I tried my hand at drawing, I tried to recreate some illustration, so I basically tried to copy it line for line. It actually came out looking very much like the original illustration. I was so smitten that I thought to myself "**** I must be one of those rare "naturals" you hear about!". Then I tried just drawing by myself from my own head freehand, and it turned out I probably wasn't a natural after all... :(
Don't be so down on yourself man - I think everybody starts that way (I certainly did). Trying to draw something from totally from scratch is very hard. Usually when I'm trying to draw something, I'll gather up a batch of photos relating to what I want to end up with, and try to make something new by using them as reference.