Thousand Master
New animated show on CITV, taking over from the Avatar. Almost fully CGI it tells the tale of Lena and Mahad who are young rebels/pirates fighting against the evil empire of Sphere to free the world (or at least the bits left after the earth shattered leaving floating chunks of rocks all about the place). There is also the fact that lena is a Seijin (think solar powered jedi and you wouldn't be too far off), as is the leader of Sphere....
Now if this is seeming a little familiar it is, it has liberally borrowed form many things Western and Eastern, from Star Wars to Last Exile with a good helping Firefly (visually anyway). The feeling of 'hmm, seen that before' does pretty much sum up the show (even if I have only seen one episode)
Now if this is seeming a little familiar it is, it has liberally borrowed form many things Western and Eastern, from Star Wars to Last Exile with a good helping Firefly (visually anyway). The feeling of 'hmm, seen that before' does pretty much sum up the show (even if I have only seen one episode)