Should I watch Diebuster?


Baka Ranger
Honestly, should I? I mean, I absolutely loved Gunbuster, but when I heard a sequal I was wondering "Oh, what could it be like?" Seen the happy and colourful FLCL-esque animation and thought "Wait... what? This can't be the sequal to Gunbuster, it's too happy and looks much more colourful and less, well... epic than Gunbuster." Now there's nothing left of the series, I've only got Diebuster to turn too, and I'm HOPING that from the new look of the sequal that it isn't crap and lives us to Gunbuster's name. Can anyone actually vouch for Diebuster and speak up and tell me to watch it?
It does have a colourful FLCL feel to it - imagine the old Gunbuster story told in a 'new Gainax' kind of way. It's also pretty epic - the whole Planet Earth is turned into a Buster Machine at one point - but it's not as good as the original Gunbuster. If you bear that last point in mind you'll enjoy it. :)

There's also a reference to the original series, especially the end, which is a Gunbuster ending (i.e. really good) rather than a Gainax-ed ending.
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Oh wow, a reply, I'm seriously suprised by this. Damn, I spoiled myself, but it ain't too big a blow, I've seen clips of it so I spoiled myself quite a bit already and it doesn't sound as bad as it seems to me, I'll probably put it on my "To-watch" list, no doubt I'll crack quickly and watch it all.

Thank you for replying, Martin, means a lot to me. ;D