Earlier this year, it was announced in <em>Weekly Shonen Jump</em> that Shuiesha was holding a global manga competition - where entrants from around the world can have their work chosen by <em>JUMP </em>editors in Japan, North America, China and Taiwan to be placed for a final public vote, with the most popular entrant in each of the three different audiences (English, Chinese and Japanese) receiving 500,000 yen (£2,950) and publication in either <em>JUMP, </em>one of its special issues or one of its international issues, with the overall grand prize winner earning another 500,000 yen on top!
Shonen Jump have now revealed the six contenders for the grand prize, which you can read online (in English, Japanese or Chinese) and vote for. The six finalists are:
<li><em>BOOM</em> by Docurro (China - originally submitted in Chinese)</li>
<li><em>El Viento Del Norte</em> by Niu Zai (Taiwan - Originally submitted in Chinese)</li>
<li><em>Golden Rabbit</em> by Nick Kanoza (USA - Originally submitted in English)</li>
<li><em>Morning Star</em> by Aitor Holgado (Spain - Originally submitted in English)</li>
<li><em>Sweatman</em> by Fei ZiXuan (Taiwan - Originally submitted in Japanese)</li>
<li><em>The Team Before Daybreak</em> by Yu YanShu (China - Originally submitted in Chinese)</li>
Voting is open to people worldwide and will close on 5th January. Comments from <em>JUMP</em>'s editors will be made public on 20th January with a list of semi-finalist works that didn't make the final cut being revealed sometime next month.
Shonen Jump have now revealed the six contenders for the grand prize, which you can read online (in English, Japanese or Chinese) and vote for. The six finalists are:
<li><em>BOOM</em> by Docurro (China - originally submitted in Chinese)</li>
<li><em>El Viento Del Norte</em> by Niu Zai (Taiwan - Originally submitted in Chinese)</li>
<li><em>Golden Rabbit</em> by Nick Kanoza (USA - Originally submitted in English)</li>
<li><em>Morning Star</em> by Aitor Holgado (Spain - Originally submitted in English)</li>
<li><em>Sweatman</em> by Fei ZiXuan (Taiwan - Originally submitted in Japanese)</li>
<li><em>The Team Before Daybreak</em> by Yu YanShu (China - Originally submitted in Chinese)</li>
Voting is open to people worldwide and will close on 5th January. Comments from <em>JUMP</em>'s editors will be made public on 20th January with a list of semi-finalist works that didn't make the final cut being revealed sometime next month.