Shin Megami Tensei

That Man

Student Council President
Just wondering if there are any fans of this game series? An if anyone is looking forward to Digital Devil Saga 2 an Devil Summoner? Can say I certainly am an I love these games. Lucifers Call (Really Nocturne)an the first Digtal Devil Saga games are great in my opinion so cant wait for the new titles. I must have DDS 2 I need to know what happens!
Firstly, kudos to That Man for creating this thread. Secondly, non-kudos for me because I actually have Lucifer's Call and Digital Devil Saga Part I but haven't - yet - got around to playing either.

But in the run-up to Digital Devil Saga Part II I will get arond to playing them.

the Shin megami tensei rpg series is probably one of the most hardcore rpg series i have known.
i have read up on have been planning to get the games of these for years! but always got sidetracked however last week i pre-ordered the PAL (uk)collectors edition of DDS2.
(even though i dont have DDS1 LOL, i will have to get that at a later date)

i really like the art direction in some of the games in the series, and it is easily better than many of the (overated) FF games.
its a definite series for those that like rpg.
I take it you guys already know of this, but it's news to me:

It seems the Shin Megami Tensei series is making a splash with Western gamers, I can't believe another title is coming out along with DDS2.

I've only played Lucifer's Call, and whilst the setting was good enough to hide away from the world in a locked cellar, there were too many flaws with the combat system for me to put up with.

I'm snooping around for a cheap copy of DDS, the special edition of DDS2 has caught my eye (natch, no money), the price of the normal and special editions on Play are identical - anyone interested should order their special edition sooner rather than later.
Yep I knew hence me thinking of doing this post :) Already have the special DDS2 Pre ordered an Devil Summoner. Although from what I heard Devil Summoner is going to be totally different from the other games. So will be looking forward to seeing if its an improvement.
Ninja Boy! said:
I really like the art direction in some of the games in the series...

That's one of the things that probably got me interested in the franchise. The little of the art direction I've seen so far is stunning in my opinion. I've heard the musical scores aren't to bad either, though I'll find out for myself in the next few months. :)
By the way, thanks Ninja Boy about making me aware of the Collector's Edition of DDS Part II. I would have probably missed it otherwise. Cheers. :)
Hovis! said:
By the way, thanks Ninja Boy about making me aware of the Collector's Edition of DDS Part II. I would have probably missed it otherwise. Cheers. :)

no problem man.
although i feel 'bumped' as i ordered it off the official ghostlight website (£34.99 -_- )because they were holding the pre-orders first
then all these other sites had it...and for cheaper (like

the only reason i got it from ghostlight was because there was an uber collectors edition of DDS1 that i missed out on....
it comes in a collectible box, t-shirt, some other extra's, and your name is on the actuall manual of the collectors edition!

oh well....
i cant wait to get this all i need to do is find a cheap DDS1 on ebay.
I'm well chuffed simply because it'll have the soundtrack with it! I wish video game soundtracks were more mainstream readily available in the UK. Thank Heavens for the internet.
Should be getting Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga II tomorrow (I noticed that the standard edition on went down to £17.99 while the Collector's Edition went down to £22.99).

I also know that the Devil Summoner installment is being released offically in the UK near the end of April. :)
I got Lucifer's Call and I like it, mainly because you recruit demons like you catch pokemon....

Though the Main Charries name is Atlus, but I called him Chrono like myself.

Though Its hard for me because I am on hard mode instead of Normal.
Well I got my special edition of DD2 today. Have to say I am very happy with it. Let the long hours of game play commence :shock:
Ditto to the above, got my copy yesterday. Haven't the foggiest when I'll get around and play it but the soundtrack has already got some listening time! :)