SFX Anime Special Returns; This Time it's Personal


Thousand Master
SFX Have done another anime special, this time with free fridge magnets? Don't get it either, but what the hey. Unlike the first one this one is more orientated at a fan rather than the interested noob, as follows a more standard SFX magazine format, but solely focusing on anime. Its got letters, articles and reviews, as well as the random stuff like top 15 most annoying characters, and that quizlet that pick on random anime knowledge so obscure few of us would get top marks.
While all in all it fun the reviewers are a tad more generous than i would have been (4 stars for Highlander? would have barely given it 2), and some of the articles seem more like barely concealed advertising.
Will probably make good reading on the bog, but doubt i'll be reading it any other time.
Oooooh cool more fridge magnets I only own one and thats a Robot Boy one my mate got me when I moved into my house.

Will see if I can track down a copy of this at asda